IPC Specification for Tone and Light

Last Updated on : 2022-11-24 09:20:06download

Process status (A) is indicated by an indicator light, and key node (B) is indicated by the prompt tone.

Module Serial number Process / Node Indicator light Prompt tone
Distribution Network A1 System starting Lighting
Distribution Network B1 Boot up Prompt tone1
Distribution Network A2 Waiting for distribution network Slow flash
Distribution Network B2 Receive distribution network information Prompt tone2
Distribution Network A3 Connect WiFi flash
Distribution Network A4 Equipment online Lighting
Reset B3 Hardware reset successful Prompt tone2
Reset A1 System starting Lighting
Reset B1 Boot up Prompt tone1
Reset A2 Waiting for distribution network Slow flash
OTA A5 OTA upgrade Slow flash
OTA A1 System restart Lighting
OTA B1 System startup complete Prompt tone1
OTA A3 Connecting to WiFi flash
OTA A4 Equipment online Lighting
Drop connection A3 Connecting to Wi-Fi flash
Drop connection A4 Equipment online Lighting

Description of the indicators

Serial number Status Indicator status
A1 System starting light steady on
A2 Waiting for network pairing Slow flashing
A3 WiFi connection fast blink
A4 Equipment online light steady on
A5 OTA updating Slow flashing
  • Fast blink: 250ms on, 250ms off
  • Slow flashing: 1500ms on, 1500ms off

Description of the prompt tone

Serial number Status Prompt tone
B1 started up Prompt 1
B2 Receive network matching information Prompt2
B3 Hardware reset successful Prompt2