Zigbee Connection Standard for Smart Switch

Last Updated on : 2024-06-24 03:30:50download

The Zigbee smart switch (no neutral wire required) is a controlled device that uses magnetic latching relays to achieve switching actions and can receive switching instructions to act on the load lights.

Use the On Off Light device in the Zigbee 3.0 standard to achieve this feature.

Terms and definitions

Term Description
Zigbee SDK The Zigbee SDK is developed based on the Silicon Labs Zigbee 3.0 protocol stack and tailored, optimized, and encapsulated to create a Tuya Zigbee module SDK.
Attribute A data value that reflects the physical quantity or status.
Cluster Each cluster contains one or more attributes.
Endpoint The entry point for the application layer of the protocol stack. Each endpoint can be regarded as the location where the application object exists. It is defined as a cluster that is used to implement a device description.
Device ID The serial number that is defined for each Zigbee device.
TYZS13 Zigbee Module A Zigbee module suitable for developing smart switches (no neutral wire required).
ELV (extra-low voltage) device A battery-powered device, which is called a sleep end device in the Zigbee protocol.
Electrical device A mains electricity-powered device that is called an end device in the Zigbee protocol.
Product ID (PID) It represents product ID. Each product created in the Tuya Developer Platform will generate a unique product identifier. This ID is associated with specific data points of the product, app control panel, shipping information, and other information related to the product.
SoC SoC (System On Chip): The hardware does not have an MCU, and the control program is written into the cloud module.
SDK A software development kit (SDK) contains the documents, examples, and tools required to develop software. In order to encourage developers to use their system or language, many SDKs are provided for free, such as Tuya.
Firmware The programs that are written to the erasable programmable read-only memory (EROM) or electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM). Firmware is used to drive programs that are embedded in devices, such as CD-ROM and CD-R. The firmware enables operating systems to drive devices based on standard device drivers. Firmware is the software that completes the most basic bottom-layer tasks of a system.
OTA It means firmware update over the air. Tuya supports OTA. Firmware updates can be implemented through wireless or wired connections. Firmware over-the-air (FOTA) is a wireless method to update the firmware.

Functional description of Zigbee devices

Zigbee protocol version

Name ID
Profile ID 0x0104
Device ID 0x0100


Enpoint Description
1 The first gang.
2 The second gang.

Supported clusters

On Off Light (0x0100)
Input cluster (server) Output cluster (client)
Basic (0x0000) OTA (0x0019)
Identify (0x0003) -
Group cluster (0x0004) -
Scene cluster (0x0005) -
On/Off cluster (0x0006) -

Supported attributes and commands

Basic cluster


ID Name    Data Type    Range Defualt value
0x0000 ZCLVersion uint8 -0x20 0x00 - 0xff    0x01
0x0001 Application version   uint8 -0x20 0x00 - 0xff    For example, 0b 01 00 0001 = 1.0.1, where 0x41 is 1.0.1.
0x0002 StackVersion uint8 -0x20 0x00–0xFF 2
0x0003 Hardware version uint8 -0x20 0x00–0xFF 0x01
0x0004 Manufacturer name string -0x42 0-32 bytes XXX…XXX (16 bytes in length, including an 8-byte prefix and an 8-byte PID). No. 0-7 bytes: TZ3000 and No. 8-16 bytes: PID (created on the Tuya Developer Platform). The PID for 1-gang dimmer switch: 9v86hx9o.
0x0005 Module identifier string -0x42 0-32 bytes TS0012. This field is used by the gateway to quickly identify the device type and improve the experience.
0x0007 PowerSource enum8-0x30 0x00–0xFF 0x01
0xFFFD Cluster revision uint16 -0x21 0x0000 - 0xffff 0x0001


ID Name Direction Description
0x00 Reset to factory defaults C->S -

Identify cluster


ID Name Data type Range Defualt value
0x0000 IdentifyTime uint16 -0x21 0x0000 - 0xffff 0x0000
0xFFFD Cluster revision int16 -0x29 0x0000 - 0xffff 0x0001


ID name Direction Description
0x00 Identify C->S -
0x01 Identify query C->S -

On/Off cluster


ID name Data type Range Defualt value
0x0000 onOff bool-0x10 0x00 - 0x01 0x00
0x4001 OnTime uint16 -0x21 0x0000 - 0xffff 0x0000
0x4002 OffWaitTime uint16 -0x21 0x0000 - 0xffff 0x0000


ID name Direction Description
0x00 Off C->S -
0x01 On C->S -
0x02 Toggle C->S -
0x42 On with timed off C->S -

OTA update cluster


ID name Data type Range Defualt value
0x0000 Update server ID EUI64-0xF0 - 0xffffffffffffffff
0x0001 FileOffset uint32-0x23 - 0x00000000
0x0002 CurrentFileVersion uint32-0x23 - 0x21050002
0x0006 ImageUpgradeStatus enum8-0x30 - 0x00
0x0007 Manufacturer ID uint16 -0x21 - 0x1002
0x0008 Image type ID uint16 -0x21 - 0x1602
0x0009 Min block request period uint16 -0x21 - 0x0000
0xfffd Cluster revision uint16 -0x21 - 0x0001

Zigbee device management requirements


  • Beacon request channels are scanned at an interval of greater than 150 ms. Important channels are to be scanned in priority.

  • The timeout value for each scanning task is 30 seconds.

  • If data reporting is required after Zigbee devices are networked, data is reported at a random interval of 5s, 10s, or more seconds.

Device restart after power off

The device supports the power-off memory function. When power-off and power-on again, it is necessary to read the switch status, the status of the magnetic latching relay (single and dual control), and the status of the load light group before power-off.

Link maintenance

The device version is continuously reported at a random interval of 150–180 seconds.

Data reporting

  • If data retransmission is enabled for the application support sublayer (APS), we recommend that you set Disable Default Response to 1 to avoid excessive acknowledgments (ACKs).

  • The Transaction Sequence Number attribute cannot be modified during data transmission.

  • The retransmission interval must be greater than 250 ms. We recommend that you set the retransmission duration to less than three seconds.

  • To process broadcast and multicast DPs, we recommend that you set the latency of data reporting to a random value from one minute to two minutes. If a unicast DP is received during the latency, the status data is immediately reported.

Special instructions


  • The countdown function is implemented with the 0x42 command of the Zigbee on/off cluster.

  • After the countdown command is received, the device starts to count down. The count value is decreased by 1 every second. The countdown data is written to the OnTime and OffWaitTime attributes.

  • After the count value becomes 0, the bits are reversed and the switch status and values of OnTime and Off Wait Time are reported to the gateway.

Development method

  1. Developed based on Tuya Zigbee SDK:

    • You only need to modify the module model and hardware configuration of the demo sample to complete the above functions, including groups and scenes.
    • Tuya provides complete flashing, authorization, production testing process, software and hardware tools
  2. Self-developed with non-Tuya Zigbee module:

    • Need to fully implement the above technical details
    • Complete device authorization
  3. Authorize by using Tuya’s complete authorization tool

  4. Self-developed with Tuya Zigbee module:

    • Only need to implement firmware function details.
    • Purchase the authorized Tuya Zigbee module.