Tuya Development Board Production Test Instructions

Last Updated on : 2024-06-24 06:03:31download

Production test preparation

Need to have 1 router named “tuya_mdev_test”

Wi-Fi function test

Wait for the Wi-Fi distribution indicator to light up (long light or fast flash or slow flash)

Figure 1. Network pairing indicator and button 2
Tuya Development Board Production Test Instructions

Long press button 2 for 3 seconds, then RGB-LED will display red/green/blue/white in turn, enter Wi-Fi function test; After 3-5 seconds, Wi-Fi function test is completed. RGB-LED display Wi-Fi function test result is as follows:

Indicator color result
blue normal
red The router named “tuya_mdev_test” does not exist/The Wi-Fi module is too far from the router/Wi-Fi module has a problem
green Wi-Fi module is not authorized
off MCU failed to communicate with Wi-Fi

If the RGB-LED indicator shows “blue”, go to the next step.

Note: If you are using an older version, when the RGB-LED indicator shows “green”, go to the next step. _

Button 1 test

Short press button 1, RGB-LED displays white
Short press button 1 again, RGB-LED off

Figure 2. Button 1
Tuya Development Board Production Test Instructions
Congratulations! Development board production test is completed!