Last Updated on : 2024-06-21 03:53:19download
Temperature and humidity are the basic factors to the comfort of homes and offices. They serve as the highly-valued metrics collected in a wide range of business scenarios such as smart city, smart industry, smart agriculture, and shipment.
A smart temperature and humidity sensor is used to regularly detect ambient temperature and humidity data that can be visualized on the app. Thus, users can check the temperature and humidity data with the app from anywhere at their convenience.
Tuya provides the no-code development solution for you to quickly get started with the development and mass production of smart temperature and humidity sensors. For more information, see Sensor Production Solutions.
The no-code development solution supports the following types of protocols:
Networking capability: View device data on the app after the device is paired.
Temperature detection: Regularly detect temperature and show real-time data on the app.
Humidity detection: Regularly detect humidity and show real-time data on the app.
Scene linkage: Set smart scenes on the app. For example, the air conditioner is automatically switched on when the temperature is higher than 30°C.
Battery capacity detection: Regularly detect battery capacity and show the battery level as a percentage on the app. For example, a value of 100% indicates the full battery capacity and 20% or a smaller value triggers a low battery alert.
Offline notification: If the device runs out of power and does not report data to the cloud for a certain period, the app will show a notification of the device getting offline.
Canonicalization: The no-code development process proceeds with standard configurations.
Accuracy: High-quality sensor chips are provided by Swiss Sensirion AG and other manufacturers in China. The accuracy deviation is down to ±0.3°C.
Low power: The power consumption in sleep mode is limited to the µA level. For Bluetooth LE and Zigbee devices, the battery life can reach one year or more.
Technical maturity: The integrated microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) temperature and humidity sensors meet the requirements for mass production.
End-to-end capabilities: A full range of smart capabilities are supported, covering the hardware, app, and cloud services.
Local scenes: Bluetooth LE and Zigbee devices that are networked through gateways support local scenes. Therefore, smart scenes are still effective even if the gateway is disconnected from the internet.
The smart temperature and humidity sensor is a consumer electronic product and applies to indoor environment monitoring. The following figure shows its profile.
Home, office, hotel, apartment, school, hospital, nursing home, shopping mall, restaurant, bank, and warehouse
Remotely view temperature and humidity data. For example, the comfortable summer temperature in a baby’s room ranges from 23 to 28°C.
Implement automatic linkage with environmental appliances. For example, automatically turn on an air conditioner if the winter temperature in an office is lower than 10°C.
Notifications of out-of-range temperature and humidity. For example, notify users to switch on an air conditioner if the temperature in a shopping mall exceeds 30°C.
Monitoring and statistics of long-term temperature and humidity data. For example, the temperature in a warehouse that stores electronic materials needs to be kept from -5 to 30°C all year round.
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