IPC SDK Test Cases (Reference)

Last Updated on : 2024-06-17 07:53:41download

This topic describes the core test cases of IPC SDK and denotes key features to be tested. These cases are provided for your reference during test design.

Feature Test item Test point
Determine device types and P2P types Determine the type of device.
  • The device is an IP camera (IPC).
  • The device is not an IPC.
Determine the P2P type. None.
Device pairing and binding mode Determine the pairing mode.
  • Determine the Wi-Fi Easy Connect (EZ) mode.
  • Determine the access point (AP) mode.
  • Determine the QR code mode.
Live video streaming Test different P2P connection modes.
  • `0`: automatically selected.
  • `1`: internet connections prioritized.
  • `3`: local area network (LAN) connections prioritized.
Test the video effect.
  • Render videos as expected.
  • Switch between video definition modes:
    • High definition (HD)
    • Standard definition (SD)
  • Query the video definition mode.
  • Double-tap a video screen to zoom in or out.
  • Test the audio and video effect.
Test video recording.
  • Test the effect of HD video recording:
    • Video recording effect with audio
    • Video recording effect in silent mode
  • Test the effect of SD video recording:
    • Video recording effect with audio
    • Video recording effect in silent mode
  • Check the access to read and write storage of mobile phones.
Test image capture.
  • Test the effect of HD image capture:
  • Test the effect of SD image capture:
  • Check the access to read and write storage of mobile phones.
Swipe the view area to adjust the orientation supported by pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ).
  • `0`: upward.
  • `2`: rightward.
  • `4`: downward.
  • `6`: leftward.
Test P2P connections.
  • Print the error code returned after a P2P connection failed.
  • Unregister a P2P object.
  • Delete a P2P object.
  • Invoke the callback for P2P connection status.
Audio and video Get device capabilities.
  • Query the supported number of streams.
  • Query the default definition.
  • Query the support for a speaker.
  • Query the support for a pickup.
  • Query the default video talk mode.
  • Query the support for switching between video talk modes.
  • Query the raw P2P configurations.
  • Query the supported play speed.
Test intelligent video analytics (IVA).
  • Check whether IVA is supported.
  • Turn on or off IVA.
  • Test the settings of colors, strokes, and flash effects.
Test the audio effect.
  • Test the speaker effect:
    • One-way talk
    • Switch between the speaker and earpiece modes
  • Test the microphone effect:
    • One-way talk
  • Test the microphone permission.
Playback of video footage on an SD card Test the effect of video recording and playback.
  • Test playback of video footage:
    • Turn off the speaker:
      • Effect of video footage playback
      • Effect of video recording
    • Turn on the speaker:
      • Effect of video footage playback
      • Effect of video recording
    • Test the effect of image capture.
    • Pause or resume playback.
  • Test the playback speed capabilities:
    • 0.5x:
      • Effect of video playback
      • Effect of video recording
    • 2x:
      • Effect of video playback
      • Effect of video recording
    • 4x:
      • Effect of video playback
      • Effect of video recording
    • 8x:
      • Effect of video playback
      • Effect of video recording
Test downloading playback files.
  • Start a download task.
  • Pause or resume a download task.
  • Cancel a download task.
  • Finish a download task.
  • A download task is failed.
  • Test the effect of the downloaded audio and videos.
Delete playback files.
  • Check whether files can be queried before deletion.
  • Delete the target files.
Switch between dates.
  • Switching to dates with data is allowed.
  • Switching to dates without data is not allowed.
Test the playback logic.
  • Swipe to play back videos.
  • Automatically play back videos.
Cloud storage for videos Check the subscription status. Check whether cloud storage for videos is purchased.
Test playback of cloud-stored videos.
  • Turn off the speaker:
    • Effect of video footage playback
    • Effect of video recording
  • Turn on the speaker:
    • Effect of video footage playback
    • Effect of video recording
  • Test the effect of image capture.
  • Pause or resume playback.
Test the list of cloud storage events.
  • Display the list of cloud storage events.
  • Test whether playback events match the actual playback operations.
Set the playback speed.
  • 2x:
    • Effect of video playback
    • Effect of video recording
  • 4x:
    • Effect of video playback
    • Effect of video recording
  • 8x:
    • Effect of video playback
    • Effect of video recording
  • 16x:
    • Effect of video playback
    • Effect of video recording
Switch between dates.
  • Switching to dates with data is allowed.
  • Switching to dates without data is not allowed.
Test the playback logic.
  • Swipe to play back videos.
  • Automatically play back videos.
  • Navigate from the list of events.
Test AI-enabled cloud storage.
  • Test AI-enabled cloud storage events.
  • Filter AI-enabled cloud storage data.
  • Display the timeline of AI-enabled cloud storage.
  • Play back videos in AI-enabled cloud storage.
Download cloud-stored files.
  • Start a download task.
  • Pause or resume a download task.
  • Cancel a download task.
  • Finish a download task.
  • Test the effect of the downloaded audio and videos.
Delete cloud-stored files.
  • Check whether files can be queried before deletion.
  • Delete the target files:
    • Delete historical files or those generated on the current day.
    • Delete all or part of the files.
Test the cloud storage debugging tool.
  • Test playback of cloud-stored videos.
  • Display the images of cloud storage events.
  • Test events without video clips.
Vertical services with PTZ Test PTZ control.
  • Register and remove a listener for PTZ.
  • Control rotation.
Adjust the focal length.
  • Zoom in or out.
  • Start or stop zooming.
Test site favorites.
  • Add a site favorite.
  • Delete a site favorite.
  • Edit a site favorite.
  • Check a site favorite.
Test the auto-patrol feature.
  • Turn on or off the auto-patrol feature:
    • On
    • Off
  • Switch between the auto-patrol modes:
    • Panoramic
    • Test site favorites.
  • Query the auto-patrol status
    • Panoramic
    • Test site favorites.
    • Not in auto-patrol mode
  • Set auto-patrol schedules:
    • All day
    • Custom
  • Check the time when an auto-patrol schedule takes effect.
Test motion tracking.
  • Check the switch status.
Test preset points.
  • Add a preset point.
  • Delete a preset point.
  • Edit a preset point.
  • View a preset point.
Doorbell call Test doorbell calls with videos.
  • Test status of the video streaming interface for a doorbell call.
  • Test the video talk during a doorbell call.
Test doorbell calls with images.
  • Display an image notification of a doorbell call.
  • Test the talk during a doorbell call.
Test the states of doorbell calls.
  • A doorbell call event is received.
  • The device hangs up the call.
  • A doorbell call is answered by another user.
  • A doorbell call is canceled.
  • A doorbell call is answered.
  • A doorbell call is rejected.
Low power doorbell Determine whether a device is a low power doorbell. None.
Wake up a low power device from sleep mode. None.
Push a doorbell call. For more information, see Doorbell Call Service. None.
Manage batteries. For more information, see Battery Management. None.
IPC settings Manage SD cards.
  • Query SD card status.
  • Format an SD card.
  • Query the capacity of an SD card.
  • Turn on or off local recording.
  • Switch between recording triggered by events and continuous local recording.
Device control
  • Test basic device features:
    • Status indicator
    • Video flipping
    • Time watermark
    • Privacy mode
    • Infrared night vision
  • Test motion detection alerts:
    • Human shape detection
    • Sound detection
    • Pet detection
    • Motion detection
    • Timer
  • Manage SD cards.
  • Test PTZ control.
  • Test specific low power features:
    • Report the battery level.
    • Generate a low battery alert.
    • Check the power supply mode:
      • Powered by batteries
      • Connected to mains power
    • Check the status of a battery lock:
      • Locked
      • Unlocked
List of IPC messages Query the types of messages.
  • Determine video messages.
  • Determine image messages.
  • Determine text messages.
View details of a message. None.
Query and filter the alert calendar. None.
Delete messages. None.