Video Alerts

Last Updated on : 2024-06-17 07:53:42download

The video footage attached to video messages is encrypted. The API methods of ThingSmartCameraKit and ThingSmartCameraMessageMediaPlayer must be called to implement the video playback.

Query video frame rendering views

API description

- (UIView<ThingSmartVideoViewType> *)videoView;

Play video messages

API description

- (void)playMessage:(ThingSmartCameraMessageModel *)messageModel attachmentType:(ThingCameraMessageAttachmentType)attachmentType success:(void(^)(void))success failure:(void(^)(int errCode))failure finished:(void(^)(int errCode))onFinish;


Parameter Description
messageModel The alert data model.
attachmentType The type of attached playback content. An alert might be a video message or audio message.
success The success callback.
failure The failure callback.
onFinish The callback that is executed when video playback is finished. errCode indicates an error message and 0 indicates that playback is finished.

Play back attached messages

API description

- (void)playMessageAttachment:(NSString *)attachmentPath type:(ThingCameraMessageAttachmentType)attachmentType success:(void(^)(void))success failure:(void(^)(int errCode))failure finished:(void(^)(int errCode))onFinish;


Parameter Description
attachmentPath The URL of the attached content.
attachmentType The type of attached audio or video content. The component ThingEncryptImage must be used to display attached images.
success The success callback.
failure The failure callback.
onFinish The callback that is executed when video playback is finished. errCode indicates an error message and 0 indicates that playback is finished.

Pause playback

API description

- (int)pausePlay:(ThingCameraMessageAttachmentType)attachmentType;

Resume playback

API description

- (int)resumePlay:(ThingCameraMessageAttachmentType)attachmentType;

Stop playback

API description

- (void)stopPlay:(ThingCameraMessageAttachmentType)attachmentType;

Set mute status

API description

- (void)enableMute:(BOOL)mute success:(void(^)(void))success failure:(void (^)(NSError * error))failure;


Parameter Description
mute Specifies whether to mute the video.
success The success callback.
failure The failure callback.

Return values

Type Description
int An error message is returned or a value of 0 indicates a successful request.

Callback for video frames

ThingSmartCameraMessageMediaPlayerDelegate is the delegate protocol of the message player.

API description

- (void)mediaPlayer:(ThingSmartCameraMessageMediaPlayer *)player didReceivedFrame:(CMSampleBufferRef)frameBuffer videoFrameInfo:(ThingSmartVideoFrameInfo)frameInfo;


Parameter Description
player The player object.
frameBuffer The YUV data of video frames.
frameInfo The information about video frame headers.
frameInfo.nDuration The total duration of video footage.
frameInfo.nProgress The progress of the current video frames.

Callback for audio frames

API description

- (void)mediaPlayer:(ThingSmartCameraMessageMediaPlayer *)player  didReceivedAudioFrameInfo:(ThingSmartAudioFrameInfo)frameInfo;


Parameter Description
player The player.
frameInfo The information about audio frame headers.
frameInfo.nDuration The total duration of audio content.
frameInfo.nProgress The progress of the current audio frames.

For SDK versions earlier than v3.20.0, an API method of ThingSmartCloudManager is called to implement playback of attached content. This API method is deprecated in v3.20.0. We recommend that you update to the latest SDK version at the earliest opportunity.

Navigate from alerts to playback of SD card-stored content

By default, alerts are generated independently from playback of SD card-stored content. During SD card-stored video recording, alerts and video footage can be simultaneously generated by the same triggers. Specifically, they have the following differences:

  • Alerts are stored in the cloud.
  • SD card-stored video footage is stored on an IPC. If the SD card capacity is insufficient, the earlier video footage might be overwritten by later footage.

The switch for SD card-stored video recording is set independently from the switch for detection alerts. Therefore, during SD card-stored video recording, alerts do not always trigger video recording.

In certain cases, alerts can be linked with video footage stored on the SD card. The IPC SDK does not provide a typical API method to query video footage based on this type of correlation. However, to find the video footage triggered by alerts, users can find the time and date when the alerts were generated. Then, check whether the target video footage was created on this date. You can implement navigation from alerts to playback of SD card-stored video footage in this way.


- (void)enableDetect {
        if ([self.dpManager isSupportDP:ThingSmartCameraMotionDetectDPName]) {
        bool motionDetectOn = [[self.dpManager valueForDP:ThingSmartCameraMotionDetectDPName] tysdk_toBool];
        if (!motionDetectOn) {
            [self.dpManager setValue:@(YES)  forDP:ThingSmartCameraMotionDetectDPName
            success:^(id result) {
                // Motion detection is enabled.
            } failure:^(NSError *error) {
             // A network error.
          [self.dpManager setValue:ThingSmartCameraMotionHigh
                         success:^(id result) {
            // The sensitivity of motion detection is set to high sensitivity.
        } failure:^(NSError *error) {
            // A network error.

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    self.cameraMessage = [[ThingSmartCameraMessage alloc] initWithDeviceId:self.devId timeZone:[NSTimeZone defaultTimeZone]];
    [self.cameraMessage getMessageSchemes:^(NSArray<ThingSmartCameraMessageSchemeModel *> *result) {
          // The message category model.
        self.schemeModels = result;
                // The alerts of the first category are returned.
        [self reloadMessageListWithScheme:result.firstObject];
    } failure:^(NSError *error) {
        // A network error.

- (void)reloadMessageListWithScheme:(ThingSmartCameraMessageSchemeModel *)schemeModel {
    NSDateFormatter *formatter = [NSDateFormatter new];
    formatter.dateFormat = @"yyyy-MM-dd";
    NSDate *date = [formatter dateFromString:@"2020-02-17"];
      // The top 20 alerts generated in the period from 00:00:00 (UTC) on February 17, 2020 to the current time are returned.
    [self.cameraMessage messagesWithMessageCodes:schemeModel.msgCodes Offset:0 limit:20 startTime:[date timeIntervalSince1970] endTime:[[NSDate new] timeIntervalSince1970] success:^(NSArray<ThingSmartCameraMessageModel *> *result) {
        self.messageModelList = result;
    } failure:^(NSError *error) {
        // A network error.


func enableDectect() {
    guard self.dpManager.isSupportDP(.motionDetectDPName) else {
    if let isMontionDetectOn = self.dpManager.value(forDP: .motionDetectDPName) as? Bool, !isMontionDetectOn {
        self.dpManager.setValue(true, forDP: .motionDetectDPName, success: { _ in
            // Motion detection is enabled.
        }) { _ in
            // A network error.
    self.dpManager.setValue(ThingSmartCameraMotion.high, forDP: .motionSensitivityDPName, success: { _ in
        // The sensitivity of motion detection is set to high sensitivity.
    }) { _ in
        // A network error.

override func viewDidLoad() {
    self.cameraMessage = ThingSmartCameraMessage(deviceId: self.devId, timeZone: NSTimeZone.default)
    self.cameraMessage.getSchemes({ result in
        // The alerts of the first category are returned.
        self.schemeModels = result
        if let schemeModel = result?.first {
            reloadMessage(schemeModel: schemeModel)
    }) { _ in
        // A network error.

func reloadMessage(schemeModel: ThingSmartCameraMessageSchemeModel) {
    let formatter = DateFormatter()
    formatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"
    let date = "2020-02-17")
    // The top 20 alerts generated in the period from 00:00:00 (UTC) on February 17, 2020 to the current time are returned.
    self.cameraMessage.messages(withMessageCodes: schemeModel.msgCodes, offset: 0, limit: 20, startTime: Int(date!.timeIntervalSince1970), endTime: Int(Date().timeIntervalSince1970), success: { result in
        self.messageModelList = result;
    }) { _ in
        // A network error.