Progress Bar

Last Updated on : 2021-08-27 11:07:18download

TYIpcProgressBar is encapsulated based on the basic component Slider, and extends the features of custom titles, units, and percentages.


Progress Bar


Field name Data type Description Default value
onValueChange func The callback of value changes on the slider. undefined
onSlidingComplete func The callback that is used when sliding is stopped. undefined
barData BarDataProps (see properties of BarDataProps The data of the slider. { key: ‘key1’, value: 0, min: 0, max: 100 }
containerStyle ViewStyle The style of the container. {}
barContainStyle ViewStyle The style of the slider container. {}
iconTitleBoxStyle ViewStyle The style of the slider title container. {}
iconTitleTextStyle TextStyle The style of the slider title text. {}
iconImageStyle ImageStyle The style of the slider title icon. {}
percentUnitBoxStyle ViewStyle The style of the percentage or custom container. {}
unitTextStyle TextStyle The style of the percentage or custom text. {}
customUnitImageBoxStyle ViewStyle The style of the custom unit icon container. {}
customUnitImageStyle ImageStyle The style of the custom unit icon. {}
noPrecentBoxStyle ViewStyle The style of the default numeric text container. {}
noPrecentTextStyle ImageStyle The style of the default numeric text. {}
sliderStyle ViewStyle The style of the slider. {}
sliderProperty Object Inherits the properties of the basic component Slider. {}

Properties of BarDataProps

Attribute Data type Required Description Default value
key string Yes The custom key. key1
value number Yes The current value. 0
min number Yes The minimum value. 0
max number Yes The maximum value. 100
disabled boolean No Indicates whether this component is disabled. false
maxColor string No The color value that is larger than the current value. #eee
minColor boolean No The color value that is smaller than the current value. #eee
maxColor string No The color value that is larger than the current value. #eee
showPercentUnit boolean No Specifies whether to display the percentage of each unit. false
noTitle boolean No Specifies whether to hide the title. false
noUnit boolean No Specifies whether to hide the unit. false
customUnitText string No Customizes the unit text. undefined
customUnitImage image No Customizes the unit icon. undefined


import { TYIpcProgressBar } from '@tuya/tuya-panel-ipc-sdk';
  const defaultBarData1 = {
    key: 'example1',
    value: 0,
    min: 0,
    max: 100,
    disabled: false,
    // noTitle: true,
    // noUnit: true,
 const [barData1, setBarData1] = useState(defaultBarData1);
  const onValueChange = (value: number, key: string) => {
    const newBarData1 = { ...barData1, ...{ value } };
    const onSlidingComplete = (value: number, key: string) => {
    const newBarData1 = { ...barData1, ...{ value } };
      // Inherits the basic component `Slider`.
         trackStyle: { height: 50 },
         thumbStyle: {width: 60, height: 60}