PIR Sensor

Last Updated on : 2021-08-27 11:07:18download

TYIpcPir is used to manage the monitoring area of a passive infrared sensor (PIR sensor). You can specify the number of monitoring areas and set the attributes of each monitoring area.


PIR Sensor


Field name Type Description Default value
pieNumber number The number of sectors. Maximum value: 3. 1
containerStyle ViewStyle The style of the container. {}
title string The title text. ‘PIR Title’
titleStyle TextStyle The style of the title text. {}
activeColor string The color of the active label. ‘#fc2f07’
OnText string The text that indicates the enabled state. ‘ON’
OffText string The text that indicates the disabled state. ‘OFF’
pieBtnTextStyle TextStyle The text style of the switch button. {}
dpCodeA string The dpcode value or custom key value of the PIR monitoring area A. ‘flight_pir_a’
dpCodeAValue boolean The data point (DP) value or custom value of the PIR monitoring area A. false
dpCodeB string The dpcode value or custom key value of the PIR monitoring area B. ‘flight_pir_b’
dpCodeBValue boolean The DP value or custom value of the PIR monitoring area B. false
dpCodeC string The dpcode value or custom key value of the PIR monitoring area C. ‘flight_pir_c’
dpCodeCValue boolean The DP value or custom value of the PIR monitoring area C. false


The value of pieNumber is associated with the effective status of dpCode and dpCodeValue. The value of pieNumber varies based on the following different conditions:

  • 1: Only dpCodeA and dpCodeAValue take effect.
  • 2: dpCodeA, dpCodeAValue, dpCodeB, and dpCodeBValue take effect.
  • 3: dpCodeA, dpCodeAValue, dpCodeB, dpCodeBValue, dpCodeC, and dpCodeCValue take effect.


import { TYIpcPir } from '@tuya/tuya-panel-ipc-sdk';

  const [dpCodeAValue, setDpCodeAValue] = useState(false);
  const onChangePir = (dpCode: string, value: boolean) => {
    if (dpCode === 'flight_pir_a') {
        title="Set PIR alarm area"