Grid Menu

Last Updated on : 2021-08-27 11:07:18download

TYIpcGrid is used to set the scrolling down function of a grid menu. You can dynamically control the number of menus in each row.


Grid Menu


Field name Type Description Default value
containerStyle ViewStyle The style of the container. 1
data Array The data in the menu bar. []
rowNumber number The number of menus per row. 4
borderWidth number The stroke width of the menu. 0.5
hoverBgcColor string The hover background color of the icon. ‘#e5e5e5’
activeColor string The active color. ‘#fc2f07’
onPress func The click event of a switch button. (key: string, itemData? : any) => void;
onPressIn func The pressIn event of a switch button. (key: string, itemData? : any) => void;
onPressOut func The pressOut event of a switch button. (key: string, itemData? : any) => void;
scrollProps Object The attributes inherited from ScrollView. {}
scrollEnabled Boolean Specifies whether scrolling is enabled in a container. true
gridPaddingVertical number The vertical padding of each grid icon. 15
gridMenuItemStyle ViewStyle The container style of each submenu. {}
gridTextBoxStyle ViewStyle The container style of the menu text. {}
gridTextStyle TextStyle The style of the menu text. {}
gridImgStyle ImageStyle The style of each icon {}


import { TYIpcGrid } from '@tuya/tuya-panel-ipc-sdk';

   const gridData = [
      key: 'menu1',   // The unique value of `key`.
      imgSource: Res.dpAntiFlicker, // The local image.
      imgTitle: 'menu1', // The menu text.
      disabled: true,    // Specifies whether to disable the menu icon.
      hidden: false,    // Specifies whether to hide the menu icon.
      key: 'menu2',
      imgSource: Res.dpCruise,
      imgTitle: 'menu2',
      disabled: false,
      hidden: false,
  <TYIpcGrid data={gridData} rowNumber={5} />