Last Updated on : 2021-08-27 11:07:18download
This topic describes the properties and example of the IP camera (IPC) native player component TYIpcNativePlayer
Field | Description | Required | Type | Default value |
time | The watermark of time. | Yes | string / undefined | 2021-07-01 17:30:50 |
medioUrl | The URL of the video. | Yes | string / undefined | undefined |
shareVideos | The video URL for sharing. | Yes | string[] | [] |
playerStyle | The style of the player. | No | ViewStyle | {} |
shareStyle | The style of the button to share videos. | No | ImageStyle | {} |
timeBoxStyle | The style of the time watermark. | No | ViewStyle | {} |
containerStyle | The style of the container. | No | ViewStyle | {} |
import { TYIpcNativePlayer } from '@tuya/tuya-panel-ipc-sdk';
return (
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