Video Timing

Last Updated on : 2021-08-27 11:07:18download

TYIpcTimeInterval is used to display the timer for recording. You can customize the time when the timing task is started.


Video Timing


Field name Data type Description Default value
startValue number The time when the timing task is started. Unit: seconds. 0
containerStyle ViewStyle The style of the container. {}
timerContainStyle ViewStyle The style of the time container. {}
dotStyle ViewStyle The style of the dot. {}
textStyle TextStyle The style of the text. {}


import { TYIpcTimerInterValue } from '@tuya/tuya-panel-ipc-sdk';
  // The default timer.
  <TYIpcTimerInterValue />
  // The custom time when the timing task is started.
  <TYIpcTimerInterValue startValue={3600} />