General Device Panel Plug-In

Last Updated on : 2024-06-14 18:20:57download

You can integrate a general device panel into your WeChat mini program as a plug-in without additional development. You only need to pass in parameters to implement device control and management. Device management supports a bunch of features. For example, users can edit a device name, check a virtual device ID, update device firmware, and remove devices. Firmware update is available to Wi-Fi devices only, and Bluetooth devices are not supported.

Preview plug-in features

  • Features: control and manage devices

    General Device Panel Plug-In General Device Panel Plug-In

  • Details of device management: edit a device name, check a virtual device ID, update device firmware, and remove a device

    General Device Panel Plug-In General Device Panel Plug-In General Device Panel Plug-In General Device Panel Plug-In

Integrate with general device panel

Step 1: Create WeChat Mini Program Project

Follow the instructions in Plug-In to create an IoT WeChat mini program and request permissions to use the General Device Panel plug-in.

Step 2: Configure plug-in

Add plug-in settings to app.json of your project.

plugins: {
  'tuya-panel-plugin': {
    version: '1.1.1', // This is an example. Use the latest version in the actual project.
    provider: 'wx3f05102b6bf4d5d4',

Step 3: Access the plug-in

Add the JavaScript code block for navigation to the plug-in:

  url: `plugin://tuya-panel-plugin/panel?ticket=${ticket}&clientId=${clientId}&device_id=${device_id}`,

The navigation path includes the following parameters:

Parameter name Type Required Description
clientId string Yes The third-party unique identifier. It matches the value of AccessID for the WeChat Mini Program SDK on the Tuya Developer Platform.
ticket string Yes The pairing token. For more information about how to get the token, see User Management.
device_id string Yes Get a list of devices under a specified user.
uiMode string No The theme color. Default value: #27c3d9. The default value is applied to the background color and button color of the device control page.
is_manager string No The administrator who is authorized to rename, update, and remove a device. Valid values: true or false. Default value: true.
gid string No The home ID. A device must be bound with a home. For more information about how to get the home ID, see Home Management (currently in Chinese only).