v3.4.5 Update Instructions

Last Updated on : 2024-06-14 10:22:04download

This topic describes the updates of the OEM app v3.4.5. This app version was released on December 23, 2021. You can integrate the updates into your app.

Update instructions

Optimized registration and login

  • Enhanced the password security to register a user.

    • Original password: only letters (not case sensitive) and numbers, with 6 to 20 characters.
    • Enhanced password: only uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and numbers, with 8 to 20 characters.

Smart protection features

  • Supported a custom threshold and alert rules. The arming settings help to trigger alerts when the specified threshold is reached.

  • Added the SOS emergency button to an account when no device is added to the account.

  • Supported the alerts triggered by the SOS emergency button. The app is used to process the alerts.

Other updates

  • Optimized the process to switch between multiple service plans. Guidelines are available to instruct the process.
  • Added interactions during payments through Kenya’s M-Pesa.
  • Fixed certain known issues.

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