v3.5.0 Update Instructions

Last Updated on : 2024-06-14 03:19:58download

This topic introduces the relevant update of the v3.5.0 version of the OEM app. This version of the app was released on January 07, 2022. You can choose to update yourself.

Update instructions

Service Code settings upgrade

  • Integrate the Service Code settings function into the SaaS workstation, directly configure the OEM App information, and modify the configuration without repackaging.

    The configuration functions of [Close the service code binding entry] and [Enable free service code] in the original [Extended Functions] only take effect for versions prior to V3.5.0.
    From V3.5.0 onwards, for Service Code related functions, please log in to workstation, enter the App information management to set.

SDK upgrade

  • Public SDK upgrade: upgrade from to 3.34.0.


  • Optimize the interactive experience of the Scene entrance.

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