Message Management

Last Updated on : 2025-01-06 07:19:04download

This topic describes how to use the message data model and its related interfaces to handle messages. For example, you can query messages, mark messages as read, delete messages, and get encrypted message keys. This document will walk you through the specific purpose, parameter descriptions, and calling examples of each interface, so you can quickly integrate these features into your own applications.

Message data model

Property and type description

The message data model contains home, icon, and message type.

In the Message Center BizBundle SDK, messages are described with MessageBean. The properties and types are described below:

Property Type Description
extendParams String The extension parameter.
isNeedPullEncKey Boolean Specifies whether you need to get an encryption key to decrypt the picture.
isExpirePics Boolean Specifies whether the picture is expired.
isExpireVideos Boolean Specifies whether the video file is expired.
homeId String The home ID.
homeName String The name of the specified home.
encryptKey String The encryption key.
hasNotRead Boolean Specifies whether a message is not read.
alarmType Int The type of alert.
dateTime String The date and time, in the format of 2017-09-08 17:12:45.
icon String The URL of the message icon.
msgTypeContent String The name of the message type.
msgContent String The content of the message.
attachPics String The name of the specified attached image.
id String The message ID.
msgType Int The message type.
msgSrcId String The device ID.
choose Boolean Specifies whether the item is selected.
actionURL String The action URL.
time Long The timestamp.
messageAttach MessageAttach The attachment to the message.
attachVideos List<String> The list of video files in the attachment.
attachAudios List<String> The list of audio files in the attachment.