Gateway SDK

Last Updated on : 2024-06-25 09:47:57download

SDK Introduction

SDK Overview Application scenarios
Networking SDK This SDK can enable gateways to connect to the Tuya Developer Platform by using the implementation of communication between the gateway, cloud, and mobile app. It provides features including interconnection, local linkage, distributed LAN gateway deployment, bulk provisioning, sub-device management, OTA firmware update, and receiving and sending data. Besides, this SDK helps you connect sub-devices to the cloud through the gateway. IoT gateway products built with third-party MCUs and modules.
Extension SDK This SDK is built on top of the networking SDK by adding the features of the Zigbee gateway. Integrating with this SDK in tandem with Tuya’s Zigbee module can enable a gateway to connect to the Zigbee sub-devices of Tuya’s ecosystem. The development can be implemented without coding. The SDK also provides the functions for Zigbee device management, allowing you to connect third-party Zigbee sub-devices to the Tuya Developer Platform. IoT gateway products built with third-party MCUs, which intend to connect to the Zigbee sub-devices of Tuya’s ecosystem.
Router SDK This SDK can enable routers to connect to the Tuya Developer Platform and provides router management capabilities. It allows users to turn on or off the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz band, change the Wi-Fi password, switch between channels, and manage endpoints. The router SDK allows you to connect sub-devices that use their own proprietary protocols to the Tuya Developer Platform. You can also choose to use Tuya’s Zigbee module to connect to the Zigbee sub-devices of Tuya’s ecosystem. Routers built with third-party hardware.
Integrated SDK This is an all-in-one SDK that encompasses all the features provided by the networking SDK, extension SDK, and router SDK. The plug-and-play architecture allows you to achieve the desired services on demand. A bunch of features such as local linkage, distributed LAN gateway deployment, and bulk provisioning are available for you to meet your various needs. You can connect third-party sub-devices to the Tuya Developer Platform or use Tuya’s network modules to connect to Tuya’s ecosystem. IoT gateway products or routers built with third-party MCUs and third-party or Tuya’s modules, which intend to connect to sub-devices of Tuya’s ecosystem and third-party vendors.

Networking SDK

Gateway SDK


  • Updating gateways, sub-devices, and modules via OTA
  • Local linkage
  • Distributed LAN gateway deployment
  • Tap-to-run local automation
  • Local control of devices
  • Bulk provisioning
  • Connecting to sub-devices

Extension SDK

Gateway SDK


  • Updating gateways, sub-devices, and modules via OTA
  • Local linkage
  • Distributed LAN gateway deployment
  • Tap-to-run local automation
  • Local control of devices
  • Bulk provisioning
  • Connecting to sub-devices that use proprietary protocols
  • Connecting to Zigbee sub-devices of Tuya’s ecosystem

Integrated SDK

Gateway SDK


  • Updating gateways, sub-devices, and modules via OTA
  • Local linkage
  • Distributed LAN gateway deployment
  • Tap-to-run local automation
  • Local control of devices
  • Bulk provisioning
  • Connecting to sub-devices that use proprietary protocols
  • Connecting to sub-devices of Tuya’s ecosystem (support protocols including Zigbee, Bluetooth Low Energy, and Bluetooth mesh).
  • Operating system support for Linux, Android, and FreeRTOS.

SDK evolution

Gateway SDK

Maintenance policies

Importing the new toolchain can switch to the integrated SDK. The iteration cycle of the integrated SDK is two to three months. The iteration of the networking SDK, extension SDK, and router SDK will focus on optimization of custom features and bug fixing without adding new features. Technical support for these three types of SDK continues to be available. To use the new features, turning to the integrated SDK is recommended.