Pegasus Pairing Router SDK Development

Last Updated on : 2024-06-26 06:41:04download

This topic describes the overall implementation process of the Tuya Pegasus pairing router SDK, including product creation, hardware debugging, software development, and debugging log query.


Create router product

  1. Log in to the Developer Platform.

  2. Create a router product by referring to Create Products.

    Note: If you require a router with the gateway function, you select Gateway Device as the Equipment Type. Otherwise, select Ordinary Equipment.

    Pegasus Pairing Router SDK Development

  3. Add functions as needed. All the required data points (DP) are necessary for Pegasus pairing function and cannot be removed. You can also customize functions. For more information about product functions, see Function Definition.

    Pegasus Pairing Router SDK Development

  4. In Device Panel, select an ideal panel and scan the QR code with the Tuya Smart app to preview. For more information, see Design App UI.

Debug router product

When debugging a router product, select a connection mode, download embedded system SDK, and get licenses.

  • Develop SDK: Select a toolchain and operating system according to the chipset platform. An SDK download link will be automatically generated on the Tuya Developer Platform.

    Note: If you cannot find the required chipset platform, you submit a service ticket on Service & Support, providing the required SDK type, chip model, operating system, and upload toolchain package. Tuya technical support will handle the uploaded SDK.

  • Copy device’s PID: Product ID (PID) is automatically generated on the Tuya Developer Platform after a product is created. PRODUCT_KEY macro is the identifier of a router product.

  • Get licenses: You can get 10 free licenses. The license acts as the credential of the router’s connection to Tuya Developer Platform and used for development and debugging. It is represented by UUID and AUTHKEY macros in the SDK. In practice, the UUID and AUTHKEY of each device shall be unique.

    Pegasus Pairing Router SDK Development

Debugging tools

Operation Center: Log in to the Developer Platform and enter Operation. Query the device’s backend logs according to its device ID.