Type Development Kit

Last Updated on : 2023-09-25 10:23:46download

Bluetooth Sub-Device Development Kit is a suite of SDKs designed to help you implement Bluetooth capabilities for different product specifications and use cases. It provides a host of essential features, including device pairing and activation, security, cloud connectivity, and device control.


The kit is broken down into the following types by applicability.

Type Development Kit
Bluetooth Device Development Kit Used to build typical Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) devices for a wide range of use cases.
Bluetooth Mesh Device Development Kit This kit is based on Bluetooth LE mesh networking. It can be used to build lighting and electrical products to implement bulk pairing and control.
Bluetooth Beacon Mesh Device Development Kit This kit is based on Bluetooth LE broadcast technology, featuring lightweight, simple functionality, and cost-efficiency. It can be used to build reliability-insensitive products with simple features.

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