T-Smart AI Points

Last Updated on : 2024-06-07 07:13:50download

This topic describes information about the T-Smart AI point.

What is a point?

Points can be seen as a unit for measuring T-Smart AI usage. Each user receives free credits daily. If they exceed the free limit, they can top up the point.

Each user receives 5,000 free AI points per day.

When will the AI points be consumed?

Platform Q&A and function execution (product creation, voice solutions, space authorization, and copywriting) do not consume a point. However, there is a daily limit of 100 free requests. If you go over the free limit, the excess requests will consume your points.

The table below is a reference for point usage.

Scenario Estimated points Point consumption
Create a complete digital user manual One digital user manual consumes about 1,000 to 1,500 points. Yes
Translate UI text Depending on the UI text and target language. Yes
Chat with image or PDF One image consumes about 500 to 1,000 points. Yes
Platform Q&A One Q&A consumes about 200 to 400 points. No
Execute a function (product creation, voice solutions, and space authorization) One function execution consumes about 200 to 400 points. No