Colored Rectangle

Last Updated on : 2022-01-07 02:53:40download

The colored rectangle component ColorRect is used to distribute colors evenly or proportionally as specified.


  • Evenly distributed:

    Colored Rectangle
  • Uneven distributed:

    Colored Rectangle
  • Custom style:

    Colored Rectangle

Common properties

Field name Data type Description Default value
style StyleProp The style of the component. None
colors Array The array of colors. []
activeOpacity Number The opacity of the component when it is tapped. 0.8
onPress ()=>void The button tapping event. None

Properties of colors

Field name Data type Description Default value
color String The color. None
percent Number The percentage of a color. None


import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';
import { View } from 'react-native';
import { ColorRect } from '@tuya/tuya-panel-lamp-sdk';
export default class Scene extends PureComponent {
  render() {
    return (
      <View style={{ flex: 1, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center' }}>
        // Unevenly distributed.
            style={{ width: 80, height: 100 }}
              { color: 'green', percent: 0.14 },
              { color: 'yellow', percent: 0.26 },
              { color: 'red', percent: 0.6 },
            onPress={() => {
           // Evenly distributed.
            style={{ width: 80, height: 100 }}
            colors={['#E292FE', '#FFF76B']}
            onPress={() => {