Week Selector

Last Updated on : 2021-09-30 11:20:10download



Week Selector


Field name Type Description Default value
style ViewStyle The component style. None
theme { fontSize? : number; fontColor? : string; iconSize? : number; bgWidth? : number; bgHeight? : number; bgColor? : string; margin? : number[]; iconColor? : string; bgRadius? : number } The theme configuration. None
background string The background color of the selector. None
activeColor string The background color of an active button. #1082FE
size number The size of a button. 40
accessibilityLabel string The test identification. 'WeekGroup'
disabled boolean Specifies whether to disable a button. false``
defaultValue number[] The default value. [0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
value number[] The current value. None
onChange (value: number[]) => void The callback of value changes. None


import { WeekGroup } from 'tuya-panel-lamp-sdk'

const WeekGroups = () => (
    style={{ width: '100%' }}
    theme={{ fontColor: '#fff' }}
    defaultValue={_.times(7, () => _.random(0, 1))}