Time Text Format

Last Updated on : 2022-04-02 05:50:33download


Time Text Format


TimeFormatComponent includes the following two components:

  • Time point text format component: TimeFormatComponent.SingleTime
  • Period text format component: TimeFormatComponent.RangeTime

Common properties

Field name Data type Description Default value
is24Hour Bool Specifies whether to use the 24-hour clock format. false
amText String The text that means the morning. “AM”
pmText String The text that means the afternoon. “PM”
itemStyle Style The style of each item. {}
unitStyle Style The style of the unit. {}
timeStyle Style The style of the time. {}

Time point text format properties

The following table describes the component <TimeFormatComponent.SingleTime />.

Field name Data type Description Default value
time Number The time. 720

Period text format properties

The following table describes the component <TimeFormatComponent.RangeTime />.

Field name Data type Description Default value
startTime Number The start time. 60
endTime Number The end time. 120
is24HourTextStyle Style The text style of the time in the 24-hour clock format. {}
contentStyle Style The style of the outermost container. {}
isEllipsis Bool Specifies whether to replace the overflowing text with an ellipsis when the maximum length of a text field is exceeded. false
isEllipsisStyle Style The style of the overflowing text. {}


import React from 'react';
import { TimeFormatComponent } from '@tuya/tuya-panel-lamp-sdk';

const { RangeTime, SingleTime } = TimeFormatComponent;

const TimeFormatComponentScene: React.FC<any> = () => {
  return (
export default TimeFormatComponentScene;