Last Updated on : 2021-12-16 02:33:18download
includes the following three components:
Field name | Type | Description | Default value |
bgs | Array | The gradient background. | [] |
thumbComponent | Func | The thumb component. | Thumb |
disabled | Bool | Specifies whether to disable the component. | false |
thumbSize | Number | The thumb size. | 38 |
touchThumbSize | Number | The radius of the touchable area for the thumb. | 60 |
showThumbWhenDisabled | Bool | Specifies whether to display the thumb when the picker is disabled. | true |
clickEnabled | Bool | Specifies whether the thumb is moved after the picker is tapped. | true |
lossShow | Bool | Specifies whether the color of the thumb can be specified. If the value is set to true , lossSliderColor takes effect and the thumb color and brightness are changed as specified. |
false |
lossColor | String | The color of the thumb. | ‘rgba(0,0,0,0.2)’ |
thumbImg | Any | The image of the thumb. | require(‘./res/thumb-mask.png’) |
onGrant | Func | The event in which the thumb starts to move. | None |
onMove | Func | The event in which the thumb is moving. | None |
onRelease | Func | The event in which the thumb is stopped. | None |
onPress | Func | The event in which the track is touched. | None |
The following table describes the properties of the component <RectColorAndBrightPicker.ColourPicker />
Field name | Type | Description | Default value |
style | Style | The style of the component. | None |
rectStyle | Style | The style of the color selection rectangle. | None |
value | Obj | The current value. | { hue: 0, saturation: 1000, value: 1000 } |
hueOffset | Number | The hue offset. | 60 |
brightOption | Obj | The brightness of the slider. | {} |
hideBright | Bool | Specifies whether to hide the brightness option. | false |
lossSliderColor | String | The color of the brightness slider when lossShow is set to true . |
‘rgba(255,255,255,0.4)’ |
bgs | Array | The color options of the picker. | The following example shows the default color options of the picker. |
onGrant | Func | The event in which the thumb starts to move. | None |
onMove | Func | The event in which the thumb is moving. | None |
onRelease | Func | The event in which the thumb is stopped. | None |
onPress | Func | The event in which the track is touched. | None |
Default color options of the picker:
colors: [
{ offset: '0%', stopColor: '#FFFC00', stopOpacity: 1 },
{ offset: '18%', stopColor: '#C3FF45', stopOpacity: 1 },
{ offset: '34%', stopColor: '#39DDFC', stopOpacity: 1 },
{ offset: '51%', stopColor: '#6382FC', stopOpacity: 1 },
{ offset: '67%', stopColor: '#FF3FD5', stopOpacity: 1 },
{ offset: '82%', stopColor: '#FE491F', stopOpacity: 1 },
{ offset: '100%', stopColor: '#FFB900', stopOpacity: 1 },
x2: '0%',
y2: '100%',
colors: [
{ offset: '0%', stopColor: '#fff', stopOpacity: 1 },
{ offset: '24%', stopColor: '#fff', stopOpacity: 0.9 },
{ offset: '100%', stopColor: '#fff', stopOpacity: 0 },
The following table describes the properties of the component <RectColorAndBrightPicker.WhitePicker />.
Field name | Type | Description | Default value |
style | Style | The style of the component. | None |
rectStyle | Style | The style of the color selection rectangle. | None |
storageKey | String | The key that is used to locally store the location of the thumb. | None |
value | Obj | The current value. | { brightness: 500, temperature: 500 } |
brightOption | Obj | The brightness of the slider. | {} |
hideBright | Bool | Specifies whether to hide the brightness option. | false |
lossSliderColor | String | The color of the brightness slider when lossShow is set to true . |
‘rgba(255,255,255,0.4)’ |
direction | String | The arrangement of the white picker:
‘leftBottom’ |
bgs | Array | The color options of the picker. | The following example shows the default color options of the picker. |
onGrant | Func | The event in which the thumb starts to move. | None |
onMove | Func | The event in which the thumb is moving. | None |
onRelease | Func | The event in which the thumb is stopped. | None |
onPress | Func | The event in which the track is touched. | None |
Default color options of the picker:
{ offset: '0%', stopColor: '#FF9F3E', stopOpacity: 1 },
{ offset: '50%', stopColor: '#FFFFFF', stopOpacity: 1 },
{ offset: '53%', stopColor: '#FFFFFF', stopOpacity: 1 },
{ offset: '100%', stopColor: '#B4D0FF', stopOpacity: 1 },
The following table describes the properties of the component <RectColorAndBrightPicker.BrightnessSlider />
Field name | Type | Description | Default value |
style | Style | The style of the component. | None |
formatPercent | Func | The calculation in percent. | None |
value | Number | The current value. | 0 |
min | Number | The minimum value. | 10 |
max | Number | The maximum value. | 1000 |
minPercent | Number | The minimum percent. | 1 |
disabled | Bool | Specifies whether to disable the component. | false |
fontColor | String | The font color of the percent. | ‘#000’ |
trackColor | String | The color of the track. | ‘#313131’ |
activeColor | String | The color of the active track. | ‘#fff’ |
invalidSwipeDistance | Number | The minimum distance in which sliding changes the brightness setting. | 7 |
clickEnabled | Bool | Specifies whether the thumb is moved after the picker is tapped. | false |
onGrant | Func | The event in which the thumb starts to move. | None |
onMove | Func | The event in which the thumb is moving. | None |
onRelease | Func | The event in which the thumb is stopped. | None |
onPress | Func | The event in which the track is touched. | None |
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';
import { View } from 'react-native';
import { RectColorAndBrightPicker } from '@tuya/tuya-panel-lamp-sdk';
export default class Scene extends PureComponent {
render() {
return (
<View style={{ flex: 1, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center' }}>
<View style={{ width: 300, height: 200, marginBottom: 20 }}>
hue: 0,
saturation: 1000,
value: 1000,
onMove={v => {
console.log('onMove', v);
<View style={{ width: 300, height: 200, borderRadius: 20, overflow: 'hidden' }}>
value={{ brightness: 500, temperature: 500 }}
onMove={v => {
console.log('onMove', v);
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