Rectangular Color and Brightness Picker

Last Updated on : 2021-12-16 02:33:18download


Rectangular Color and Brightness Picker


RectColorAndBrightPicker includes the following three components:

  • The color picker RectColorAndBrightPicker.ColourPicker
  • The white picker RectColorAndBrightPicker.WhitePicker
  • The brightness slider RectColorAndBrightPicker.BrightnessSlider

Common properties

Field name Type Description Default value
bgs Array The gradient background. []
thumbComponent Func The thumb component. Thumb
disabled Bool Specifies whether to disable the component. false
thumbSize Number The thumb size. 38
touchThumbSize Number The radius of the touchable area for the thumb. 60
showThumbWhenDisabled Bool Specifies whether to display the thumb when the picker is disabled. true
clickEnabled Bool Specifies whether the thumb is moved after the picker is tapped. true
lossShow Bool Specifies whether the color of the thumb can be specified. If the value is set to true, lossSliderColor takes effect and the thumb color and brightness are changed as specified. false
lossColor String The color of the thumb. ‘rgba(0,0,0,0.2)’
thumbImg Any The image of the thumb. require(‘./res/thumb-mask.png’)
onGrant Func The event in which the thumb starts to move. None
onMove Func The event in which the thumb is moving. None
onRelease Func The event in which the thumb is stopped. None
onPress Func The event in which the track is touched. None

Color picker properties

The following table describes the properties of the component <RectColorAndBrightPicker.ColourPicker />.

Field name Type Description Default value
style Style The style of the component. None
rectStyle Style The style of the color selection rectangle. None
value Obj The current value. { hue: 0, saturation: 1000, value: 1000 }
hueOffset Number The hue offset. 60
brightOption Obj The brightness of the slider. {}
hideBright Bool Specifies whether to hide the brightness option. false
lossSliderColor String The color of the brightness slider when lossShow is set to true. ‘rgba(255,255,255,0.4)’
bgs Array The color options of the picker. The following example shows the default color options of the picker.
onGrant Func The event in which the thumb starts to move. None
onMove Func The event in which the thumb is moving. None
onRelease Func The event in which the thumb is stopped. None
onPress Func The event in which the track is touched. None

Default color options of the picker:

    colors: [
      { offset: '0%', stopColor: '#FFFC00', stopOpacity: 1 },
      { offset: '18%', stopColor: '#C3FF45', stopOpacity: 1 },
      { offset: '34%', stopColor: '#39DDFC', stopOpacity: 1 },
      { offset: '51%', stopColor: '#6382FC', stopOpacity: 1 },
      { offset: '67%', stopColor: '#FF3FD5', stopOpacity: 1 },
      { offset: '82%', stopColor: '#FE491F', stopOpacity: 1 },
      { offset: '100%', stopColor: '#FFB900', stopOpacity: 1 },
    x2: '0%',
    y2: '100%',
    colors: [
      { offset: '0%', stopColor: '#fff', stopOpacity: 1 },
      { offset: '24%', stopColor: '#fff', stopOpacity: 0.9 },
      { offset: '100%', stopColor: '#fff', stopOpacity: 0 },

White picker properties

The following table describes the properties of the component <RectColorAndBrightPicker.WhitePicker />.

Field name Type Description Default value
style Style The style of the component. None
rectStyle Style The style of the color selection rectangle. None
storageKey String The key that is used to locally store the location of the thumb. None
value Obj The current value. { brightness: 500, temperature: 500 }
brightOption Obj The brightness of the slider. {}
hideBright Bool Specifies whether to hide the brightness option. false
lossSliderColor String The color of the brightness slider when lossShow is set to true. ‘rgba(255,255,255,0.4)’
direction String The arrangement of the white picker:
  • leftBottom: start from the bottom-left corner and stretch along the diagonal.
  • leftTop: start from the top-left corner and stretch along the diagonal.
  • rightBottom: start from the bottom-right corner and stretch along the diagonal.
  • rightTop: start from the top-right corner and stretch along the diagonal.
  • left: start from the left side and stretch to the right side.
  • right: start from the right side and stretch to the left side.
  • top: start from the top side and stretch to the bottom side.
  • bottom: start from the bottom side and stretch to the top side.
bgs Array The color options of the picker. The following example shows the default color options of the picker.
onGrant Func The event in which the thumb starts to move. None
onMove Func The event in which the thumb is moving. None
onRelease Func The event in which the thumb is stopped. None
onPress Func The event in which the track is touched. None

Default color options of the picker:

  { offset: '0%', stopColor: '#FF9F3E', stopOpacity: 1 },
  { offset: '50%', stopColor: '#FFFFFF', stopOpacity: 1 },
  { offset: '53%', stopColor: '#FFFFFF', stopOpacity: 1 },
  { offset: '100%', stopColor: '#B4D0FF', stopOpacity: 1 },

Properties of the horizontal brightness slider

The following table describes the properties of the component <RectColorAndBrightPicker.BrightnessSlider />.

Field name Type Description Default value
style Style The style of the component. None
formatPercent Func The calculation in percent. None
value Number The current value. 0
min Number The minimum value. 10
max Number The maximum value. 1000
minPercent Number The minimum percent. 1
disabled Bool Specifies whether to disable the component. false
fontColor String The font color of the percent. ‘#000’
trackColor String The color of the track. ‘#313131’
activeColor String The color of the active track. ‘#fff’
invalidSwipeDistance Number The minimum distance in which sliding changes the brightness setting. 7
clickEnabled Bool Specifies whether the thumb is moved after the picker is tapped. false
onGrant Func The event in which the thumb starts to move. None
onMove Func The event in which the thumb is moving. None
onRelease Func The event in which the thumb is stopped. None
onPress Func The event in which the track is touched. None


import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';
import { View } from 'react-native';
import { RectColorAndBrightPicker } from '@tuya/tuya-panel-lamp-sdk';
export default class Scene extends PureComponent {
  render() {
    return (
      <View style={{ flex: 1, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center' }}>
        <View style={{ width: 300, height: 200, marginBottom: 20 }}>
              hue: 0,
              saturation: 1000,
              value: 1000,
            onMove={v => {
              console.log('onMove', v);
        <View style={{ width: 300, height: 200, borderRadius: 20, overflow: 'hidden' }}>
            value={{ brightness: 500, temperature: 500 }}
            onMove={v => {
              console.log('onMove', v);