Color Hue and Saturation Picker

Last Updated on : 2021-12-16 03:30:33download



Color Hue and Saturation Picker


Field name Type Description Default value
accessibilityLabel String The label that describes the tested accessibility element. ‘hueSaturationPicker’
bgImg Any The image of the hue and saturation picker. require(‘./res/color-picker.png’)
style Style The style of the component. None
thumbStyle Style The style of the thumb. None
disabled Bool Specifies whether to disable the component. false
hideThumb Bool Specifies whether to hide the thumb. false
disalbedThumbOpacity Number The opacity of the thumb when the component is disabled. 0.4
radius Number The radius of the outer track. 135
innerRadius Number The radius of the inner track. 0
thumbRadius Number The radius of the thumb. 16
offsetAngle Number The offset angle in the counterclockwise direction. 0
touchThumbRadius Number The radius of the touchable area for the thumb. 0
touchOffset Number The offset of the touchable area. You can set the value to increase the touchable area. 0
value Obj The current value. { hue: 0, saturation: 1000, value: 1000 }
minSaturation Number The minimum saturation. 0
maxSaturation Number The maximum saturation. 1000
stepSaturation Number The step of the saturation. 1
stepHue Number The step of the hue. 1
onChange Func The value change event that is triggered only when a value is changed. None
onGrant Func The event in which the thumb starts to move. None
onMove Func The event in which the thumb is moving. None
onRelease Func The event in which the thumb stops moving. None
onPress Func The event in which the track is touched. None


import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';
import { View } from 'react-native';
import { HueSaturationPicker } from '@tuya/tuya-panel-lamp-sdk';

export default class Scene extends PureComponent {
  render() {
    return (
          flex: 1,
          justifyContent: 'center',
          alignItems: 'center',
          backgroundColor: '#eee',
        <HueSaturationPicker value={{ hue: 300, saturation: 800 }} />