Countdown Subpage

Last Updated on : 2022-01-07 02:53:54download


  • Set a countdown
  • Display a countdown


The countdown subpage component countdownSubpage is used to set and display a countdown for a specific action, such as turning on or off a light. You can set parameters to define the properties of this component.

Common properties

Field name Data type Description Default value
countdown number The remaining time of the countdown. Unit: seconds. None
renderHeader () => ReactNode The content of the header. None
onCountdownText string The description of the countdown for turning on a light. None
offCountdownText string The description of the countdown for turning off a light. None
onSave (time: number)=>void The callback that is executed when the Confirm button is tapped. None
background string The background color of the page. None
hourLabel string The text of the hour. None
minuteLabel string The text of the minute. None
secondLabel string The text of the second. None
confirmButtonStyle StyleProp The style of the Confirm button. None
confirmText string The text of the Confirm button. None
confirmTextStyle StyleProp The style of the Confirm text. None
cancelButtonStyle StyleProp The style of the Cancel button. None
cancelText string The text of the Cancel button. None
cancelTextStyle StyleProp The style of the Cancel text. None
clock ClockProps Properties of clock None
picker PickerProps Properties of picker None

Properties of clock

Field name Data type Description Default value
countdown number The remaining time of the countdown. Unit: seconds. None
totalCountDown number The total duration of the countdown. None
hourLabel string The text of the hour. None
minuteLabel string The text of the minute. None
secondLabel string The text of the second. None
subTitleStyle: StyleProp The style of the subtitle text. None
onReset ()=>void The callback that is executed when the callback is reset. None
onCancel () => void The callback that is executed when the callback is cancelled. None
innerBackgroundColor string The inner background color of the clock. None
isShowHour Boolean Specifies whether to display the hour on the clock when the remaining time of the countdown is less than one hour. None
timeTextStyle StyleProp The style of the time text. None
unitTextStyle StyleProp The style of the hour, minute, and second text. None
lineColor string The color of the pointers that indicate the time that has elapsed. None
activeColor string The color of the pointers that indicate the remaining time of the countdown. None
lineHeight number The height of the pointers on the clock. None
lineNum number The number of the pointers on the clock. None
resetText string The description of countdown resetting. None
resetStyle StyleProp The text of the Reset button. None
resetTextStyle StyleProp The style of the Reset text. None
size: number The size of the clock. None

Properties of picker

Field name Data type Description Default value
hourLabel string The text of the hour. None
minuteLabel string The text of the minute. None
secondLabel string The text of the second. None
timeTextColor string The color of the time text. None
timeTextSize number The font size of the time text. None
unitTextStyle StyleProp The font size of the time unit text. None
time number The value of the time. None
isShowSecond Boolean Specifies whether to display the second. None
onChange (value: number) => void The callback that is executed when the time picker is modified. None


import React from 'react';
import { Utils } from 'tuya-panel-kit';
import { CountdownSubPage } from '@tuya/tuya-panel-lamp-sdk';
import Strings from '../../../i18n';

const { winWidth, convertX } = Utils.RatioUtils;
const cx = (value: number) => {
  return Math.floor(convertX(value));
const CountdownSubPageDemo = () => {
  const params = {
    background: '#fff',
    countdown: 100,
    minuteLabel: Strings.getLang('TYLamp_minute'),
    secondLabel: Strings.getLang('TYLamp_second'),
    hourLabel: Strings.getLang('TYLamp_hour'),
    onSave: (time: number) => {},
    onCountdownText: Strings.getLang('TYLamp_onCountdown'),
    offCountdownText: Strings.getLang('TYLamp_offCountdown'),
    confirmText: Strings.getLang('TYLamp_confirm'),
    confirmButtonStyle: {
      backgroundColor: '#87cefa',
      height: 48,
      width: winWidth - cx(32),
      paddingHorizontal: cx(16),
      borderRadius: 24,
      alignItems: 'center',
      justifyContent: 'center',
      marginBottom: cx(16),
      marginHorizontal: cx(16),
    confirmTextStyle: {
      color: '#fff',
      fontSize: 16,
    cancelButtonStyle: {
      marginHorizontal: cx(16),
      height: 48,
      width: winWidth - cx(32),
      borderRadius: 24,
      backgroundColor: '#333',
      marginBottom: cx(16),
      alignItems: 'center',
      justifyContent: 'center',
    cancelText: Strings.getLang('TYLamp_cancel'),
    cancelTextStyle: {
      color: '#fff',
      fontSize: 16,
    picker: {
      time: 250,
      isShowSecond: false,
      unitTextStyle: { fontSize: 14, color: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)' },
      timeTextColor: '#333',
      timeTextSize: 40,
      minuteLabel: Strings.getLang('TYLamp_minute'),
      secondLabel: Strings.getLang('TYLamp_second'),
      hourLabel: Strings.getLang('TYLamp_hour'),
    clock: {
      countdown: 200,
      totalCountDown: 200,
      minuteLabel: Strings.getLang('TYLamp_minute'),
      secondLabel: Strings.getLang('TYLamp_second'),
      hourLabel: Strings.getLang('TYLamp_hour'),
      timeTextStyle: { fontSize: 40, color: '#000' },
      unitTextStyle: { fontSize: 14, color: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)' },
      lineColor: '#e3e3e3',
      activeColor: '#87cefa',
      innerBackgroundColor: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.85)',
      isShowHour: false,
      size: 280,
      lineHeight: 5,
      lineWidth: 1,
      lineNum: 100,
      resetStyle: {},
      resetText: Strings.getLang('TYLamp_resetCountdown'),
      resetTextStyle: {
        color: '#888',
      onReset: () => {},
      onCancel: () => {},
  return (
export default CountdownSubPageDemo;