
Last Updated on : 2023-12-12 10:00:44download

This topic describes the product development process and provides a checklist to ensure that your development is thorough and complete.

Create product

You have created a Matter product and completed the configuration on the Tuya IoT Development Platform. For more information, see Create Matter Product.


You have requested access to the development kit and written code based on it. For more information, see Tuya Wind IDE.

Log in to Tuya Wind IDE using your account of the Tuya IoT Development Platform.


You have tested your product with the provided use cases. For more information, see Matter Testing.


You have achieved Matter certification. You can roll out your Matter product only after CSA certifies it. For more information, see Matter Certification.


You have published the firmware before proceeding with mass production. After product testing, go to Product > Firmware Management on the Tuya IoT Development Platform and publish the firmware.


You have completed all the production processes. Your product is eligible to carry the Matter badge. For more information, see Production and Purchasing.