Last Updated on : 2024-06-07 07:08:02download
This topic describes the API operations that are used to send construction tasks.
Request method | API endpoint | Description |
POST | /v2.0/illumination/construction/record | Create a construction authorization record |
GET | /v2.0/illumination/construction/task/rooms | Query the list of space construction information |
GET | /v2.0/illumination/construction/task/records | Query the list of construction task authorization records |
GET | /v2.0/illumination/construction/task/record /{recordId} |
Get the details of construction task authorization records |
DELETE | /v2.0/illumination/construction/task/cancel Authorization/{recordId} |
Cancel a construction authorization |
API description
Create a construction authorization record.
API endpoint
POST /v2.0/illumination/construction/record
Request parameter
Name | Type | Location | Description | Required |
requestType | int | body | The request type | Yes |
recordId | String | body | The ID of an authorization record | No |
projectId | String | body | The project ID | Yes |
userAccount | String | body | The operator’s mobile phone number or email address | Yes |
countryCode | String | body | Country code | Yes |
operatorName | String | body | The operator’s name | Yes |
deviceTypes | int[] | body | The types of construction devices.
No |
startTime | long | body | The start time of construction | Yes |
endTime | long | body | The end time of construction | Yes |
remark | String | body | Remark | No |
roomIds | String[] | body | The list of room IDs | No |
Return parameter
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | Response code. For more information, see the error code section. It is empty when the operation succeeded. |
success | Boolean | Indicate whether the operation succeeds.
msg | String | The error message that is returned if the request fails. It is empty if the request is successful. |
t | Long | The returned 13-bit timestamp. |
result | Object | The request result. |
Description of result
"recordId": "String // The ID of an authorization record",
"success": "boolean"
Sample request
Sample response
"recordId": "120684995791562****",
API description
Query the list of space construction information.
API endpoint
GET /v2.0/illumination/construction/task/rooms
Request parameter
Name |
Type |
Location |
Description |
Required |
page | int | body | The page number starting from 1. | Yes |
pageSize | int | body | The number of entries per page. Valid values: 0 to 100. | Yes |
projectId | String | body | The required project ID in the filter criteria. If a project is not created, set the value to an empty string. | Yes |
authorizationStatus | String[] | body | Authorization status:
No |
roomName | String | body | The room name in the filter criteria. | No |
Return parameter
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | Response code. For more information, see the error code section. It is empty when the operation succeeded. |
success | Boolean | Indicate whether the operation succeeds.
msg | String | The error message that is returned if the request fails. It is empty if the request is successful. |
t | Long | The returned 13-bit timestamp. |
result | Object | The request result. |
Description of result
"total": "int",
"list": [
"roomId": "String // The room ID",
"roomName": "String // The room name",
"roomType":"int // The room type. `2` means a floor, and `4` means a room. If the frontend gets `4` for this field, it means the bottom level."
"deviceCountOnline": "int // The number of online devices",
"taskStatus": "int // The task status. `0`: The task is not assigned. `1`: The construction is not started. `2`: The construction is in progress. `3`: The construction has been completed. `4`: The construction is postponed",
"authorizationStatus": "int // The authorization status. `0`: The construction is not authorized. `1`: The authorization is in progress. `2`: The authorization has expired. `3`: The authorization is canceled",
"recordId": "String // The ID of an authorization record. If no construction task is not created for this room, this field is not passed to the frontend",
"taskId": "String // The ID of a task. If no construction task is created for this room, this field is not passed to the frontend",
"deviceCountConstruction": "long // The number of devices that will be used for construction",
"deviceCountFinish": "int // The number of devices that have completed the construction",
"roomExtendId": "long // The ID of the room extension information"
Sample request
"pageSize": "10",
"page": "1",
"projectId": "135861962678679****",
"authorizationStatus": "0",
"taskStatus": "1",
"roomName": ""
Sample response
"roomName":"Room 3"
"roomName":"Room 1"
API description
Query the list of construction task authorization records, which is available in v1.5.0 and later.
API endpoint
GET /v2.0/illumination/construction/task/records
Request parameter
Name |
Type |
Location |
Description |
Required |
page | int | body | The page number starting from 1 | Yes |
pageSize | int | body | The number of entries per page. Valid values: 0 to 100 | Yes |
projectId | String | body | The required project ID in the filter criteria. If a project is not created, set the value to an empty string. | Yes |
authorizationStatus | String[] | body | Authorization status:
No |
operatorName | String | body | The operator in the filter criteria | No |
startTime | long | body | The start time of construction in the filter criteria | No |
endTime | long | body | The end time of construction in the filter criteria | No |
Return parameter
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | Response code. For more information, see the error code section. It is empty when the operation succeeded. |
success | Boolean | Indicate whether the operation succeeds.
msg | String | The error message that is returned if the request fails. It is empty if the request is successful. |
t | Long | The returned 13-bit timestamp. |
result | Object | The request result. |
Description of result
"total": "int",
"list": [
"recordId": "String // The ID of an authorization record",
"taskNum": "String // The task number",
"userAccount": "String // The operator's mobile phone number or email address",
"countryCode": "String // The country code",
"operatorName": "String // The operator's name",
"operatorUid": "String // The operator's UID",
"address": "String // The installation location",
"startTime": "long // The start time of construction",
"endTime": "long // The end time of construction",
"deviceCount": "int // The number of construction devices",
"taskStatus": "int // The task status. `1`: The construction is not started. `2`: The construction is in progress. `3`: The construction has been completed. `4`: The construction is postponed",
"authorizationStatus": "int // The authorization status. `0`: The construction is not authorized. `1`: The authorization is in progress. `2`: The authorization has expired. `3`: The authorization is canceled",
"roomName": "String[] // The name of the construction space",
"deviceCountFinish": "int // The number of devices that have completed the construction"
Sample request
"pageSize": "10",
"page": "1",
"startTime": "1614817212134",
"endTime": "1614827801047",
"projectId": "135861962678679****",
"operatorName": "",
"taskStatus": "1"
Sample response
"Room 2"
API description
Get the details of construction task authorization records.
API endpoint
GET /v2.0/illumination/construction/task/record/{recordId}
Request parameter
Name | Type | Location | Description | Required |
recordId | String | url | The ID of a record | Yes |
Return parameter
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | Response code. For more information, see the error code section. It is empty when the operation succeeded. |
success | Boolean | Indicate whether the operation succeeds.
msg | String | The error message that is returned if the request fails. It is empty if the request is successful. |
t | Long | The returned 13-bit timestamp. |
result | Object | The request result. |
Description of result
"projectId": "String // The project ID",
"recordId": "String // The ID of an authorization record",
"taskNum": "String // The task number",
"userAccount": "String // The operator's mobile phone number or email address",
"countryCode": "String // The country code",
"operatorName": "String // The operator's name",
"address": "String // The installation location",
"startTime": "long // The start time of construction",
"endTime": "long // The end time of construction",
"deviceCountFinish": "int // The number of devices that have been installed",
"deviceCountTotal": "int // The total number of construction devices",
"roomCountFinish": "int // The number of rooms where the construction has been completed",
"roomCountTotal": "int // The total number of rooms",
"taskStatus": "int // The task status. `1`: The construction is not started. `2`: The construction is in progress. `3`: The construction has been completed. `4`: The construction is postponed",
"authorizationStatus": "int // The authorization status. `0`: The construction is not authorized. `1`: The authorization is in progress. `2`: The authorization has expired. `3`: The authorization is canceled",
"remark": "String // Remarks",
"rooms": [
"roomId": "String // The room ID",
"roomName": "String // The room name",
"roomType":"int // The room type. `2` means a floor, and `4` means a room. If the frontend gets `4` for this field, it means the bottom level."
"deviceCountOnline": "int // The number of online devices",
"taskStatus": "int // The task status. `0`: The task is not assigned. `1`: The construction is not started. `2`: The construction is in progress. `3`: The construction has been completed. `4`: The construction is postponed",
"authorizationStatus": "int // The authorization status. `0`: The construction is not authorized. `1`: The authorization is in progress. `2`: The authorization has expired. `3`: The authorization is canceled",
"recordId": "String // The ID of an authorization record. If no construction task is not created for this room, this field is not passed to the frontend",
"taskId": "String // The ID of a task. If no construction task is created for this room, this field is not passed to the frontend",
"deviceCountConstruction": "long // The number of devices that will be used for construction",
"deviceCountFinish": "int // The number of devices that have completed the construction",
"roomExtendId": "long // The ID of the room extension information"
"deviceTypes": [
"id": "int",
"name": "String"
Sample request
"recordId": "1367313487243620352"
Sample response
"roomName":"Room 2"
API description
Cancel a construction authorization.
API endpoint
DELETE /v2.0/illumination/construction/task/cancelAuthorization/{recordId}
Request parameter
Name | Type | Location | Description | Required |
recordId | String | url | The ID of an authorization record | No |
Return parameter
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | Response code. For more information, see the error code section. It is empty when the operation succeeded. |
success | Boolean | Indicate whether the operation succeeds.
msg | String | The error message that is returned if the request fails. It is empty if the request is successful. |
t | Long | The returned 13-bit timestamp. |
result | Object | The request result. |
Description of result
"success": "boolean"
Sample request
"recordId": "136731348724362****"
Sample response
The following are common service exceptions for this API. For more exception errors, see Error Code.
Error code | Description |
500 | The error message is returned because a system error has occurred. |
1106 | The error message is returned because you are not authorized to make the API request. |
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