Device Panel

Last Updated on : 2024-06-05 03:14:26download

A panel is a control dashboard on the mobile application of a smart product. The panel shows the interactive UI for users to access product functions. The user can control devices with the panel. For example, adjust the light brightness and set the light color.

The following types are supported:

All-in-one panel

The panel template solution provided by Tuya can be used directly, but cannot be customized.

Self-developed panel

Develop panels on your terms, applying to those with expertise in development. There are two types of self-developed panels:

  • Miniapp panel: A panel developed based on the miniapp. This development mode helps you develop smart miniapps that are designed for control panels of smart devices, and supports dedicated development and loading modes.
  • RN panel: A panel developed based on the panel SDK provided by Tuya and the React Native (RN) framework, referred to as the RN panel. Each control panel supports updates on the fly and keeps the smooth experience of native apps to the maximum extent possible.

Customized panel

Tuya provides customized panel service, helping create your desired panel.

Studio panel

Tuya’s Panel Studio is a tool platform where you can drag and drop standard UI components to make some fancy panels without coding. This type is suitable for the early product testing and verification stage and is not recommended for mass production.