Industry SaaS Scenarios

Last Updated on : 2023-02-01 03:33:12download

Smart industry SaaS platform is mainly used in electronics manufacturing and assembly industries. This platform applies to a myriad of scenarios like surface-mount technology (SMT) material checking, label printing, production tracking, and location tracking.


  • SMT material checking: As a mistake-proofing mechanism specifically designed for SMT, this feature is used to check the accuracy of materials and their nodes to avoid losses caused by wrong materials.
  • Label printing: Customize the printing templates and perform unified management in the cloud. Print SN labels, material labels, and packaging labels quickly.
  • Production tracking: Track the entire production process based on the information about products, raw materials, production, testing, and defective products.
  • Location tracking: The association of materials with warehouses allows the staff to find and dispatch required items efficiently.

For more information, see Tuya Solutions.