FAQ UI BizBundle

Last Updated on : 2024-04-01 06:27:55download

FAQ UI BizBundle provides the Android container that hosts the FAQ and feedback service to implement troubleshooting and feedback for your apps.

Integrate with the UI BizBundle

Create a project

Integrate Smart Life App SDK for Android into your project with Android Studio and add the BizBundle framework to your project.

Configure build.gradle of module

   dependencies {
       api enforcedPlatform("com.thingclips.smart:thingsmart-BizBundlesBom:${biz_bom_version}")
       api 'com.thingclips.smart:thingsmart-bizbundle-feedback'
       api "com.thingclips.smart:thingsmart:${sdk_version}}"

Navigate to an unresponsive URL

Follow the instructions in Integrate with Framework to get the unimplemented route and navigate to the target page.

Navigate to FAQ and feedback

  • Before the call of any API method, make sure that the user has logged in to the app.
  • If the user status is changed, you must check the availability of the FAQ UI BizBundle to reload the FAQ and feedback page.
ThingHomeSdk.getUserInstance().queryAllBizDomains(object : IQurryDomainCallback {
	override fun onSuccess(domain: String) {
		UrlRouter.execute(UrlRouter.makeBuilder(this@MainActivity, "helpCenter"))

	override fun onError(code: String, error: String) {

Navigate to service ticket

A device of strong binding cannot be paired again after it is manually reset. The user must first submit a service ticket to request unbinding such a device before pairing it again. This method provides a navigation to the service ticket page.

Before calling any methods, be sure queryAllBizDomains has been executed.

FeedbackService service = MicroContext.getServiceManager().findServiceByInterface(FeedbackService.class.getName());

     * context: the context.
     * devId: device ID, returned in the result of failed pairing.
     * uuid: device UUID, returned in the result of failed pairing.
     * devName: device name, returned in the result of failed pairing.
service.ApplyToUnbindDevice(context, devId, uuid, devName);