Integrate with Framework

Last Updated on : 2024-12-30 05:34:56download

This topic describes generic configurations to integrate a UI BizBundle of Tuya Smart Life App SDK with your Android project. For more information, see tuya-ui-bizbundle-android-demo on GitHub.

Tuya has deprecated the classpath field in To achieve optimal compatibility, we recommend that you remove this field.

  • UI BizBundle is a complete service encapsulation based on the Home SDK. Be sure to integrate with the Home SDK before UI BizBundle integration and ensure their versions are consistent.
  • Each UI BizBundle is a complete business implementation and does not support customization. If you need custom features, you can develop with the Home SDK and BizBundle SDK.


For the UI BizBundle, the value of android:minSdkVersion is 23 and the value of android:targetSdkVersion is 34. Your app can only be built with AndroidX.

Configure the UI BizBundle

This section describes the configuration files and Android dependencies that are required by the UI BizBundle.

Configuration file

After the UI BizBundle is updated, you must download the configuration files again. For more information about the updates, see Changelog.

Item Description Required
  • res/values/compat-colors.xml: the configuration file and default color settings of the UI BizBundle.
  • res/values: the resource configuration file.
  • res: the optional multilingual configuration file to support your desired features.
res/values/compat-colors.xml and res/values are required.
Configure theme colors
The files colors.xml and ui_theme_config.json must be both modified to configure theme colors.
No (this resource is no longer maintained and Theme Color Configuration BizBundle is recommended.)

Configurations of theme colors:

  • Parameters of colors.xml

    Parameters Description Default value
    thing_theme_color_m1 Theme color resources in normal state #FFFF5A28
    thing_theme_color_m1_1 Theme color resources in disabled state #33FF5A28
    thing_theme_color_m1_2 Theme color resources in pressed state #FFFF6B3E
    thing_theme_color_m1_alpha_5 Theme color resources with transparency set to 5% #0DFF5A28
    thing_theme_color_m1_alpha_10 Theme color resources with transparency set to 10% #1AFF5A28
    thing_theme_color_m1_alpha_15 Theme color resources with transparency set to 15% #26FF5A28
    thing_theme_color_m1_alpha_20 Theme color resources with transparency set to 20% #33FF5A28
    thing_theme_color_m1_alpha_25 Theme color resources with transparency set to 25% #40FF5A28
    thing_theme_color_m1_alpha_30 Theme color resources with transparency set to 30% #4DFF5A28
    thing_theme_color_m1_alpha_35 Theme color resources with transparency set to 35% #59FF5A28
    thing_theme_color_m1_alpha_40 Theme color resources with transparency set to 40% #66FF5A28
    thing_theme_color_m1_alpha_45 Theme color resources with transparency set to 45% #73FF5A28
    thing_theme_color_m1_alpha_50 Theme color resources with transparency set to 50% #80FF5A28
    thing_theme_color_m1_alpha_55 Theme color resources with transparency set to 55% #8CFF5A28
    thing_theme_color_m1_alpha_60 Theme color resources with transparency set to 60% #99FF5A28
    thing_theme_color_m1_alpha_65 Theme color resources with transparency set to 65% #A6FF5A28
    thing_theme_color_m1_alpha_70 Theme color resources with transparency set to 70% #B3FF5A28
    thing_theme_color_m1_alpha_75 Theme color resources with transparency set to 75% #BFFF5A28
    thing_theme_color_m1_alpha_80 Theme color resources with transparency set to 80% #CCFF5A28
    thing_theme_color_m1_alpha_85 Theme color resources with transparency set to 85% #D9FF5A28
    thing_theme_color_m1_alpha_90 Theme color resources with transparency set to 90% #E6FF5A28
    thing_theme_color_m1_alpha_95 Theme color resources with transparency set to 95% #F2FF5A28
  • Configurations of ui_theme_config.json:

        "M1":"#FF5A28", // M1 means the theme color setting. Default value: #FF5A28. Only M1 can be modified. Other fields cannot be modified.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">

    <item android:state_focused="true">
        <shape android:shape="rectangle">
            <corners android:radius="@dimen/thing_mg_2" />

            <solid android:color="@color/primary_button_select_color" />
    <item android:state_selected="true">
        <shape android:shape="rectangle">
            <corners android:radius="@dimen/thing_mg_2" />

            <solid android:color="@color/primary_button_select_color" />
    <item android:state_pressed="true">
        <shape android:shape="rectangle">
            <corners android:radius="@dimen/thing_mg_2" />

            <solid android:color="@color/primary_button_select_color" />
    <item android:state_enabled="true">
        <shape android:shape="rectangle">
            <corners android:radius="@dimen/thing_mg_2" />

            <solid android:color="@color/primary_button_bg_color" />
    <item android:state_enabled="false">
            <corners android:radius="@dimen/thing_mg_2" />

            <solid android:color="@color/gray_99" />


<!-- Required configurations -->
<!-- Base application theme. -->
<style name="Base_BizBundle_Theme" parent="AppTheme">
    <item name="status_font_color">@color/status_font_color</item>
    <item name="status_bg_color">@color/status_bg_color</item>
    <item name="navbar_font_color">@color/navbar_font_color</item>
    <item name="navbar_bg_color">@color/navbar_bg_color</item>
    <item name="app_bg_color">@color/app_bg_color</item>
    <item name="fragment_bg_color">@color/app_bg_color</item>
    <item name="list_primary_color">@color/list_primary_color</item>
    <item name="list_sub_color">@color/list_sub_color</item>
    <item name="list_secondary_color">@color/list_secondary_color</item>
    <item name="list_line_color">@color/list_line_color</item>
    <item name="list_bg_color">@color/list_bg_color</item>
    <item name="primary_button_font_color">@color/primary_button_font_color</item>
    <item name="primary_button_bg_color">@color/primary_button_bg_color</item>
    <item name="secondary_button_font_color">@color/secondary_button_font_color</item>
    <item name="secondary_button_bg_color">@color/secondary_button_bg_color</item>
    <item name="notice_font_color">@color/notice_font_color</item>
    <item name="notice_bg_color">@color/notice_bg_color</item>
    <item name="bg_normal_text_bt">@drawable/bg_text_bts</item>
    <item name="app_name">@string/app_name</item>
    <item name="is_splash_used">false</item>
    <item name="ap_default_ssid">@string/ap_mode_ssid</item>
    <item name="ap_connect_description">@string/thing_ap_connect_description</item>
    <item name="is_scan_support">@bool/is_scan_support</item>
    <item name="is_need_blemesh_support">@bool/is_need_blemesh_support</item>
    <item name="status_bg_color_75">@color/status_bg_color_75</item>
    <item name="status_bg_color_90">@color/status_bg_color_90</item>

Application declaration (AndroidManifest.xml)

<!-- Required configurations -->

Dependency sources

  • Configurations of build.gradle in the root directory:

     buildscript {
         ext {
             // UI Bizbundle version
             biz_bom_version = "6.0.1"
             // Tuya SDK version
             sdk_version = '6.0.0'
     allprojects {
             repositories {
                 maven { url "" }
  • Configurations of build.gradle for the app:

    The Native Development Kit (NDK) configuration only supports CPU versions of Arm architectures.

    android {
        packagingOptions {
               pickFirst 'lib/*/'
               pickFirst 'lib/*/'
               pickFirst 'lib/*/'
               pickFirst 'lib/*/'
               pickFirst 'lib/*/'
               pickFirst 'lib/*/'
        lintOptions {
            abortOnError false
        defaultConfig {
            ndk { abiFilters "armeabi-v7a", "arm64-v8a" }
        compileOptions {
            sourceCompatibility 1.8
            targetCompatibility 1.8

Initialize the application

Generic configurations to initialize the UI BizBundle through the main thread:

// Initializes the BizBundle.
BizBundleInitializer.init(this, new RouteEventListener() {
    public void onFaild(int errorCode, UrlBuilder urlBuilder) {
            // The callback of an unimplemented route.
            // An unresponsive touch indicates an unimplemented route. To implement the route, set to the required route and set routing parameters in urlBuilder.params.
            Log.e("router not implement", + urlBuilder.params.toString());
}, new ServiceEventListener() {
    public void onFaild(String serviceName) {
            // The callback of an unimplemented service.
            Log.e("service not implement", serviceName);

// Registers the home service. This service is not required for the Mall UI BizBundle.
BizBundleInitializer.registerService(AbsBizBundleFamilyService.class, new BizBundleFamilyServiceImpl());
    // Intercepts an existing route and navigates to a custom page based on specific parameters.
    RedirectService service = MicroContext.getServiceManager().findServiceByInterface(RedirectService.class.getName());
    service.registerUrlInterceptor(new RedirectService.UrlInterceptor() {
        public void forUrlBuilder(UrlBuilder urlBuilder, RedirectService.InterceptorCallback interceptorCallback) {
            //Such as:
            //Intercept the event of clicking the panel right menu and jump to the custom page with the parameters of urlBuilder
            // Such as: Intercept the event of tapping the top-right corner of the panel to navigate to a custom page specified by the parameters of urlBuilder.
            if ("panelAction") && urlBuilder.params.getString("action").equals("gotoPanelMore")) {
                Log.e("interceptor", urlBuilder.params.toString());
            } else {

Log in or out

After the BizBundle is integrated, to enable login to or logout of an account, call the following API methods:

// login
// logout
BizBundleInitializer.onLogout(Context context);

Implement the home service

You can inherit the abstract class AbsBizBundleFamilyService to set the values of homeId and homeName for the current home.


public class BizBundleFamilyServiceImpl extends AbsBizBundleFamilyService {

    private long mHomeId;
    private String mHomeName;

    public long getCurrentHomeId() {
        return mHomeId;

    public void shiftCurrentFamily(long familyId, String curName) {
        super.shiftCurrentFamily(familyId, curName);
        mHomeId = familyId;
        mHomeName = curName;

Set home data

After a list of homes is returned, you can call the home service to set homeId and homeName for a home.


AbsBizBundleFamilyService service = MicroServiceManager.getInstance().findServiceByInterface(AbsBizBundleFamilyService.class.getName());
// Sets homeId and homeName for the current home.
service.shiftCurrentFamily(homeBean.getHomeId(), homeBean.getName());