Last Updated on : 2024-07-26 07:24:12download
Smart Camera (IPC) UI BizBundle is the panel SDK that provides a series of IPC features developed based on Tuya IPC SDK. The following features are supported:
Integrate with the framework of the UI BizBundle.
Add dependencies to the build.gradle
file of the Android project.
dependencies {
api enforcedPlatform("${biz_bom_version}")
api ""
api "${ipc_sdk_version}}"
//... Other configurations.
api "${sdk_version}}"
It is recommended that the UI BizBundle and IPC SDK versions be consistent.
The UI BizBundle 5.8.0 and later are compatible with Android 14 (API level 34). Some products require the app to wake up from the background and initiate a video call, involving categories such as doorbells, video door locks, or IP cameras with a touchscreen. In this case, you need to request the foreground service permission FOREGROUND_SERVICE_MEDIA_PLAYBACK
and add it yourself in AndroidManifest.xml
. For more information, see Android 14 new policy requirements.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE_MEDIA_PLAYBACK" />
IPC UI BizBundle provides the API methods to access different panels of Tuya-enabled IPCs. This helps you implement navigation between panels and custom features.
Follow the instructions on IPCs in SmartBizbundle Demo on GitHub to configure an IPC and perform tasks with the IPC panel.
An IPC native preview panel supports a bunch of features. For example, you can implement live video preview, switching between video definition modes, audio switch control, screenshots, video recording, video talk, motion detection, PTZ control, preset point addition or deletion, and auto-patrol control.
API description
Navigation between panels is implemented through routes specified by camera_panel_2
Parameter | Description |
extra_camera_uuid | The device ID. You can get the value from the list of devices returned for the home. |
Sample code
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putString("extra_camera_uuid", devId);
UrlBuilder urlBuilder = new UrlBuilder(context, "camera_panel_2").putExtras(bundle);
Before the React Native (RN) preview panel is implemented, the Device Control UI BizBundle must be integrated.
API description
Navigates to the RN panel based on the service API method AbsPanelCallerService.goPanelWithCheckAndTip()
AbsPanelCallerService service = MicroContext.getServiceManager().findServiceByInterface(AbsPanelCallerService.class.getName());
service.goPanelWithCheckAndTip(IPCPanelActivity.this, bean.getDevId());
It is not recommended that you use the following panels separately. When you use a specific panel’s routing separately, you should pay attention to the parameter differences between versions. The UI BizBundle does not guarantee forward and backward compatibility. If any exception occurs when you integrate with the entry to the following panels, you need to handle it yourself.
The playback panel is used to play back video footage stored on an SD card. Multiple features can be implemented, for example, video playback, playback time selection, video seeking along the timeline, play and pause, audio control, screenshots, and video recording.
API description
Navigation between panels is implemented through routes specified by camera_playback_panel
Parameter | Description |
extra_camera_uuid | The device ID. |
destroyCamera | Specifies whether to close the connection after the playback panel is exited. Default value: false . |
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putExtra("extra_camera_uuid", deviceId);
UrlBuilder urlBuilder = new UrlBuilder(context,"camera_playback_panel").putExtras(bundle);
The cloud storage panel is used to view and play back cloud-stored video footage. Multiple features can be implemented, for example, cloud-stored video playback, cloud storage time selection, video seeking along the timeline, play and pause, audio control, screenshots, video recording, and display of the motion detection list.
API description
Navigation between panels is implemented through routes specified by camera_cloud_panel
Parameter | Description |
extra_camera_uuid | The device ID. |
extra_position | The timestamp when a certain motion detection video clip was stored in the cloud on the most recent date. Unit: seconds. This parameter is optional. |
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putExtra("extra_camera_uuid", deviceId);
UrlBuilder urlBuilder = new UrlBuilder(context,"camera_cloud_panel").putExtras(bundle);
The message center panel is used to display messages that are generated during video recording. The messages are sorted by date and message type and classified by images, video, audio, or other types. Users can preview the messages and delete one or all messages.
API description
Navigation between panels is implemented through routes specified by camera_message_panel
Parameter | Description |
extra_camera_uuid | The device ID. |
extra_album_theme | The theme color. |
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putExtra("extra_camera_uuid", deviceId);
UrlBuilder urlBuilder = new UrlBuilder(context,"camera_message_panel").putExtras(bundle);
The photo album panel is used to display the files saved by device ID. These files are local screenshots and video footage generated during video preview, playback, and cloud-stored video playback. Users can preview the files and delete one or all files.
API description
Navigation between panels is implemented through routes specified by ipc_album_panel
Parameter | Description |
extra_camera_uuid | The device ID. |
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putExtra("extra_camera_uuid", deviceId);
UrlBuilder urlBuilder = new UrlBuilder(context,"ipc_album_panel").putExtras(bundle);
The doorbell panel is used to display notifications in the case of doorbell calls. Multiple features are supported, for example, basic doorbell information, real-time screenshots, and answering or hanging up a call. After a call is answered, users are navigated to the IPC preview panel.
API description
Navigation between panels is implemented through routes specified by camera_door_bell
Parameter | Description |
devId | The device ID. You can get the value from the doorbell notification. |
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putString("devId", deviceId);
UrlBuilder urlBuilder = new UrlBuilder(MicroContext.getApplication(), "camera_door_bell").putExtras(bundle);
The live video doorbell panel is used to display notifications in the case of live video doorbell calls. Multiple features are supported, for example, doorbell status, and answering or hanging up a call. A doorbell call is valid within a specific period. After it is answered within this validity period, a live video talk is implemented. This feature is used with Manage doorbell call notifications.
API description
Navigation between panels is implemented through routes specified by camera_action_doorbell
Parameter | Description |
extra_camera_uuid | The device ID. You can get the value from the doorbell notification. |
extra_doorbell_auto_accept | Boolean type. Specifies whether to automatically answer the call. |
msgid | The message ID. |
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putString("extra_camera_uuid", deviceId);
bundle.putBoolean("extra_doorbell_auto_accept", false);
bundle.putString("msgid", msgid);
UrlBuilder urlBuilder = new UrlBuilder(MicroContext.getApplication(), "camera_action_doorbell").putExtras(bundle);
The setting panel is used to display data point (DP) settings. For more information, see IPC Control. The following features are supported:
API description
Navigation between panels is implemented through routes specified by camera_panel_more
Parameter | Description |
extra_camera_uuid | The device ID. |
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putString("extra_camera_uuid", deviceId);
UrlBuilder urlBuilder = new UrlBuilder(context, panel).putExtras(bundle);
If navigation to the setting panel through the configured route failed, contact Tuya’s account manager or submit a ticket to check whether the pane is newly created.
Dark and light themes are supported. Multiple features can be implemented: IPC video playback, cloud storage, message center, settings, and local albums.
API description
You can call the method CameraUIThemeUtils.setCurrentThemeId(@ThemeIDs int themeIDs)
to set themes.
CameraUIThemeUtils.setCurrentThemeId(@ThemeIDs int themeIDs);
Parameter | Description |
themeId | The theme color ID. Valid values:
This API method is called to enter the panel and the result takes effect globally. This panel cannot be previewed.
We recommend that you integrate the whole IPC UI BizBundle into your project. If you access the entry to a specific panel only, a logical conflict might occur in the context.
The IPC UI BizBundle supports custom panels. You can implement panel features by yourself. For more information, see IPC SDK.
The UI BizBundle has integrated with the SDK. The SDK versions must be consistent between the UI BizBundle and those mentioned in the SDK documents.
Implement the panel
Go to app
> assets
> module_app.json
, find and delete the undesired route, capture the deleted route, and then customize the navigation. Perform the following steps:
Find and delete the undesired route camera_panel_more
Follow the instructions in Integrate with Framework to get the unimplemented route and navigate to the target page.
ThingWrapper.init(this, new RouteEventListener() {
public void onFaild(int errorCode, UrlBuilder urlBuilder) {
// The original route specified by urlBuilder.originUrl.
ToastUtil.shortToast(ThingPanelSDK.getCurrentActivity(), urlBuilder.originUrl);
},new ServiceEventListener() {
public void onFaild(String serviceName) {
Log.e("service not implement", serviceName);
Route target |
Feature |
camera_panel_2 | Dark preview panel |
camera_playback_panel | Playback panel |
camera_cloud_panel | Cloud storage panel |
camera_message_panel | Message center panel |
camera_door_bell | Doorbell call panel |
doorbell_camera_panel | Doorbell preview panel |
doorbell_camera_playback_panel | Doorbell playback panel |
camera_action_doorbell | Mains-powered doorbell panel |
camera_panel_more | Setting panel |
dev_base_info | Setting > Rename a device |
camera_panel_info | Setting > Device information |
ipc_alarm_detected_feature_list | Setting > Motion detection setting |
helpCenter | Setting > FAQ and feedback, FAQ UI BizBundle required |
dev_share_edit | Setting > Device sharing, not supported currently |
not_share_support_help | Setting > Sharing help, not supported currently |
AbsCameraOTAService | Setting > Firmware information, OTA UI BizBundle required |
Currently, sharing is not supported. For device sharing (dev_share_edit
) and sharing help (not_share_support_help
), you can capture and implement the required route, or follow the instructions on the setting panel to delete this route.
API description
Call the API method renameDevice()
of Smart Life App SDK to rename an IPC.
ThingHomeSdk.newDeviceInstance(deviceId).renameDevice(String deviceName, IResultCallback callback);
Parameter | Description |
deviceId | The device ID. |
deviceName | The new name. |
callback | The success or failure callback implemented by IResultCallback . |
* Renames a device.
* @param context
* @param deviceId The device ID.
* @param deviceName The new name.
public void renameDevice(final Context context, String deviceId, String deviceName) {
IThingDevice mDevice = ThingHomeSdk.newDeviceInstance(deviceId);
mDevice.renameDevice(deviceName, new IResultCallback() {
public void onError(String code, String error) {
public void onSuccess() {
API description
Call the API method modifyDeviceImg()
of Smart Life App SDK to modify the icon of an IPC.
DeviceInfoRepository deviceInfoRepository = new DeviceInfoRepositoryImpl(context);
ModifyDevInfoInteractor mModifyDevInfoInteractor = new ModifyDevInfoInteractorImpl(deviceInfoRepository);
mModifyDevInfoInteractor.modifyDeviceImg( deviceId, deviceName, imageFile, callback);
Parameter | Description |
deviceId | The device ID. |
imageFile | The type of image file to be uploaded. |
deviceName | The name of the device. You can call DeviceBean of Smart Life App SDK to get the name. |
callback | The success or failure callback implemented by ModifyDevInfoInteractor.ModifyDeviceImgCallback . |
* Modify a device icon
* @param context
* @param deviceId The device ID.
* @param iconFilePath The URL of the device icon to be uploaded.
public void uploadIcon(final Context context, String deviceId, String iconFilePath) {
DeviceBean deviceBean = ThingHomeSdk.getDataInstance().getDeviceBean(deviceId);
String panelName = "";
if (deviceBean != null) {
panelName = deviceBean.getName();
DeviceInfoRepository deviceInfoRepository = new DeviceInfoRepositoryImpl(context);
ModifyDevInfoInteractor mModifyDevInfoInteractor = new ModifyDevInfoInteractorImpl(deviceInfoRepository);
mModifyDevInfoInteractor.modifyDeviceImg(deviceId, panelName, new File(iconFilePath),
new ModifyDevInfoInteractor.ModifyDeviceImgCallback() {
public void onModifyDeviceImgSuccess(String url) {
public void onModifyDeviceImgFailure() {
To improve the timeliness and success rate of push notifications sent through active app processes, Tuya has opened an auxiliary protocol of push notifications for IP cameras (IPCs).
Sample message body
"a": "view",
"c": "action",
"cc": "Low-power IPC, someone is ringing the bell.",
"ct": "fcm You have a visitor",
"devId": "6cfaf335a8d6e752e0wrpy",
"msgId": "4da4dcf61573555995",
"p": {
"media": 13
"specialChannel": false,
"ts": "1573555995000",
"type": "doorbell"
Register and unregister a listener
You must register a listener after login and unregister the listener after logout.
API description
Tuya’s push notification auxiliary protocol requires you to register a listener after login and unregister the listener after logout.
// Registers a listener for push notifications.
ThingHomeSdk.getCameraInstance().registerCameraPushListener(IThingGetBeanCallback<CameraPushDataBean> callback)
// Unregisters a listener for push notifications.
ThingHomeSdk.getCameraInstance().unRegisterCameraPushListener(IThingGetBeanCallback<CameraPushDataBean> callback);
Parameter | Description |
callback | The callback returned by IThingGetBeanCallback to listen for push notifications. CameraPushDataBean encapsulates push notifications. |
Data model of CameraPushDataBean
Field | Type | Description |
devId | String | The device ID. |
timestamp | Integer | The message timestamp. |
etype | String | The type of message. |
edata | String | The message ID. |
private IThingHomeCamera homeCamera;
private static IThingGetBeanCallback<CameraPushDataBean> mThingGetBeanCallback = new IThingGetBeanCallback<CameraPushDataBean>() {
public void onResult(CameraPushDataBean o) {
L.d(TAG, "onMqtt_43_Result on callback");
L.d(TAG, "Message timestamp: timestamp=" + o.getTimestamp());
L.d(TAG, "Device ID: devid=" + o.getDevId());
L.d(TAG, "Message ID: msgid=" + o.getEdata());
L.d(TAG, "Message type: etype=" + o.getEtype());
* Registers a listener after login.
public void registerCameraPushListener() {
homeCamera = ThingHomeSdk.getCameraInstance();
if (homeCamera != null) {
* Unregisters a listener after logout.
public void unRegisterCameraPushListener() {
if (homeCamera != null) {
After a doorbell call is detected with the preceding method, if the mobile phone runs Android 10 or later and the app runs in the background, the foreground service shows a notification to the user. The custom notification bar displays the interfaces for the user to answer or hang up the call.
You need to develop a navigation method that allows call answering by routing. Perform the following steps:
Define activity-alias
and set the entry activity startup mode to singleTask
android:targetActivity=".MainActivity"> // This is the entry to implement navigation to activity.
<action android:name="" /> // This is the stipulated action and cannot be modified.
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
Implement route parsing with RouterPresenter
of the app module.
if (PINNED_MAIN_ALIAS.equals(intent.getComponent().getClassName())) {
String url = null;
try {
url = intent.getStringExtra("url");
} catch (Throwable t) {
LogUtil.e(TAG, "get url error", t);
L.d(TAG, "schemeJump: " + url);
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(url)) {
return null;
Bundle extras = null;
try {
extras = intent.getBundleExtra("params");
} catch (Throwable t) {
LogUtil.e(TAG, "get params error", t);
return new RouterPresenter(url, extras);
Rewrite the method onNewIntent
and call Router
to parse the route.
Implement route-based navigation in onResume
You can customize each feature on the setting page. For example, display or hide a feature, and capture tap events.
API description
Passes in settings by using the service API method AbsCameraUiService.configCameraSettingCustomItem
public abstract void configCameraSettingCustomItem(List<ThingCameraSettingConfigBean> items);
AbsCameraUiService service = MicroServiceManager.getInstance().findServiceByInterface(AbsCameraUiService.class.getName());
if (service != null) {
List<ThingCameraSettingConfigBean> configs = new ArrayList<>();
configs.add(new ThingCameraSettingConfigBean("cameraSetting_iconInfoItem", false));
Data model of ThingCameraSettingConfigBean
Parameter | Description |
visible | Specifies whether to display a feature. |
operateCallback | The captured event of tapping a button. |
tag | Each setting page is assigned a unique name specified by name as listed in the following table. |
Values of tag
Value of tag |
Feature |
cameraSetting_iconInfoItem | Device icon and name |
cameraSetting_infoItem | Device information |
cameraSetting_autoItem | Tap-to-run and automation scenes |
cameraSetting_networkItem | Device network information |
cameraSetting_thirdPartyItem | Third-party services supported |
cameraSetting_privateModeCfgItem | Privacy mode switch |
cameraSetting_basicSectionHeaderCfgItem | Title of basic setting |
cameraSetting_basicFuncCfgItem | Basic settings |
cameraSetting_nightvisionCfgItem | Night vision mode |
cameraSetting_irNightCfgItem | Infrared night vision |
cameraSetting_displaySettingCfgItem | Display settings |
cameraSetting_soundCfgItem | Audio adjustment |
cameraSetting_workModeCfgItem | Working mode |
cameraSetting_advanceSectionHeaderCfgItem | Title of advanced setting |
cameraSetting_detectCfgItem | Detection alerts |
cameraSetting_pirFuncCfgItem | PIR |
cameraSetting_powerCfgItem | Battery management |
cameraSetting_bellCfgItem | Bell settings |
cameraSetting_sirenSettingCfgItem | Siren adjustment |
cameraSetting_videoLayoutCfgItem | Video layout |
cameraSetting_presentPointCfgItem | Preset point setting |
cameraSetting_onvifCfgItem | Open Network Video Interface Forum (ONVIF) protocol |
cameraSetting_gatewaySectionHeaderCfgItem | Gateway title |
cameraSetting_gatewayCfgItem | Gateway |
cameraSetting_storageSectionHeaderCfgItem | Title of storage setting |
cameraSetting_storageCfgItem | Storage settings |
cameraSetting_valueAddedSectionHeaderCfgItem | Value-added service title |
cameraSetting_valueAddedCfgItem | Value-added services |
cameraSetting_offlineSectionHeaderCfgItem | Title of a device offline notification |
cameraSetting_offlineCfgItem | Device offline notification |
cameraSetting_otherSectionHeaderCfgItem | Other titles |
cameraSetting_feedbackCfgItem | FAQ & feedback |
cameraSetting_addToHomeCfgItem | Added to the home screen |
cameraSetting_firmwareCfgItem | Device update |
cameraSetting_restartCfgItem | Restart a device |
CameraSetting_removeCfgItem | Remove a device |
CameraSetting_indicatorLightItem | Status indicator |
CameraSetting_besharedItem | Device source |
CameraSetting_soundDetectedItem | Sound detection |
CameraSetting_apModeItem | AP mode |
CameraSetting_unlockItem | Remote unlocking |
CameraSetting_cloudDisk | Pages of cloud disks managed on a base station |
CameraSetting_privacyZone | Privacy area setting |
CameraSetting_recording_time | Time setting of a single video clip |
CameraSetting_parking_mode | Parking mode setting |
CameraSetting_collision_alert | Collision alert |
CameraSetting_antiDismantle | Anti-pry alert switch |
CameraSetting_notification | Push notification settings |
cameraSetting_carInspection | Vehicle model detection switch |
cameraSetting_nonCarInspection | Non-motor vehicle detection switch |
cameraSetting_thirdPartyHeaderItem | Third-party title supported |
cameraSetting_pirSetItem | PIR setting |
cameraSetting_stationDoorbellItem | Setting of base station bell |
cameraSetting_stationDetectionItem | Base station detection alert |
For more information, see Configuration files.
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