Smart Operations UI BizBundle

Last Updated on : 2024-07-22 10:45:34download

A range of UI components for marketing is provided to support operational plans, including pop-ups, banners, splash screens, review requests, and app push.

You can deliver targeted marketing messages to the right audience using the smart operations platform while monitoring your efforts in real time, enhancing key metrics and overall performance.


  • Splash screen: Display ads when the app is launching.

    Smart Operations UI BizBundle
  • Banner: Display banner ads.

    Smart Operations UI BizBundle
  • Pop-up: Display pop-up ads with customizable titles, content, and buttons.

    Smart Operations UI BizBundle
  • Review request: Encourage users to rate and review the app.

    Smart Operations UI BizBundle
  • App push: Push advertising.

    Smart Operations UI BizBundle

Integrate with the UI BizBundle

Create a project

Integrate Smart Life App SDK for Android into your project with Android Studio and add the BizBundle framework to your project.

Configure build.gradle of module

dependencies {
    api enforcedPlatform("${biz_bom_version}")
    api ""
    implementation ''
    api "${sdk_version}}"


The SDK capabilities described in this topic must be used alongside the smart operations platform.

Use the marketing feature only after the user has agreed to the app’s privacy policy and permitted the Tuya Developer Platform to collect and analyze their data.

Manage access to user data

After the user agrees to the privacy policy, proactively call the data analytics authorization API to request the necessary permission. This section describes operations related to user data authorization.

Enable data analytics authorization

PrivacyAuthorizationManager.getInstance().openAuthorization(new IStatusChangeCallback() {
            public void onSuccess() { }

            public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMsg) { }

Disable data analytics authorization

PrivacyAuthorizationManager.getInstance().closeAuthorization(new IStatusChangeCallback() {
            public void onSuccess() { }

            public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMsg) { }

Request authorization status

PrivacyAuthorizationManager.getInstance().checkAuthorization(new IAuthorizationStatusCheckCallback() {
            public void onSuccess(boolean hasAlreadyOperation, boolean authorizationStatus) {


            public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {


IAuthorizationStatusCheckCallback callback parameters:

Parameter Description
  • false: The user has not operated the authorization. You need to prompt them to grant permission.
  • true: The user has operated the authorization.
authorizationStatus User authorization status recorded on the server.

Get authorization status cached locally

boolean status = PrivacyAuthorizationManager.getInstance().currentAuthorizationStatus();

Initialize marketing ad data

Pull marketing ad data during the initialization of the smart operations platform, including splash screen and banner ads.

Advertising data can only be accessed if the user has granted permission for data analytics.


Destroy marketing ad data

When the marketing ad service is no longer needed, such as when the account logs out, it is recommended to perform a destroy operation.


Splash screen ads

After initializing the marketing ad data, you can display the splash screen view using the following method.

Get splash screen ads

IAdSplashView view  =  AdvertisementManager.getAdSplashView(activity);
Parameter Description
activity The activity for the target splash screen ad.

Display splash screen ads

view.showSplashView(this, new OnADSplashViewActionListener() {
            public void onADSplashImageClick(String actionUrl) {
                if (TextUtils.isEmpty(actionUrl)) {
                //Set your app's scheme when initializing the app
                AdRoute.multiRoute(SplashActivity.this, actionUrl);

            public void onADSplashViewDismiss(boolean initiativeDismiss) {
                //Do something by yourself
Parameter Description
actionUrl The URL that redirects users when they tap the splash screen.

Banner ads

After initializing the marketing ad data, you can get the marketing banner view using the following method.

View bannerView = AdvertisementManager.getADBannerView(context, pushTarget);
Parameter Description
context The context.
pushTarget The page type that supports banners, for example, the Me, Home, and Scene pages. You can customize the banner display on the target page.

How to set up ads

Smart Operations UI BizBundle

How to display banner ads

Add the bannerView to the target view container.

Pop-up ads

The pop-ups display marketing ads and app review requests, but they only function after users grant permission for data analytics. After the marketing push services are configured on the smart operations platform, pop-ups and review requests will automatically appear without needing to implement the UI view.

Initialize marketing push service


Specify the target page for ads

MarketingPushManager.pushTargetActivity(pushTarget, activity);
Parameter Description
pushTarget The page type that supports pop-up ads, for example, the Me, Home, and Scene pages. You can customize the banner display on the target page.
activity The context of the target page for displaying the pop-up ad. When this page is shown in the foreground, it will check for pop-up ads to display.

Destroy marketing push service

When the marketing push service is no longer needed, such as when the account logs out, it is recommended to perform a destroy operation.


App push ads

The app push ads can work properly after users grant permission for data analytics. For more information about the push channels, see Integrate with Push Notifications.

Parse push messages

The push messages configured in the smart operations platform are strings. This method converts the string into an object for easier content comprehension.

MarketingPushBean pushBean = MarketingPushManager.parsePushNotificationMessage(message);
Parameter Description
message The message content.

Handle ad tap event

You can navigate using this method if you configure links or redirections for ads on the smart operations platform.

MarketingPushManager.clickPushNotification(context, pushBean);
Parameter Description
context The context.
pushBean The parsed object of the push message.

How to configure app push

Smart Operations UI BizBundle