Manage Operational Plan

Last Updated on : 2024-06-20 04:19:09download

Operations staff can create an automated operational plan and select target segments. When the plan is triggered at the preset time point or by the specified users’ behaviors, the platform will send content of interest to users by app dialog, email, banner, and beyond. Then, you can evaluate the performance data of the operational plan, and improve the key indicators and operational performance.

Create operational plan

To create an operational plan, perform the following steps:

Select operational object

Filter the target segments by user label and behavior. For more information, see Create custom segments.

Manage Operational Plan

Marketing channel reach estimate

After the filter criteria of operational objects are set, click Estimated Result to view the number of users in the segment and the estimated users within the reach of each channel. This way, you can select a suitable marketing channel based on the number of reachable users.

Manage Operational Plan

Set up push content

Set up the push content and rules.

App dialog

Manage Operational Plan

Select App Dialog and complete the push mode and settings.

You can choose to trigger a dialog after users perform a specified behavior in the app.

Dialog settings

  1. During the settings, you can preview the dialog on the right.

    • Title: Enter up to 40 characters. Alphanumeric, Chinese, and special characters are supported.
    • Description: Enter up to 120 characters. Alphanumeric, Chinese, and special characters are supported.
    • Show Page: Select a page to be shown in the dialog.
  2. A triggered dialog will appear after users enter the show page.

    • Button text: Enter up to 20 characters. Alphanumeric, Chinese, and special characters are supported.
    • Interaction: From the drop-down list, select the interaction method after the users tap a specified button.
    • Navigation URL: Enter the navigation URL after the users tap the button. The specified page will appear after the button is tapped.

Frequency setting

Set up an appropriate push frequency to avoid disturbing users.

  • You can specify the maximum number of times that an email can be delivered to each user in the same activity.
  • Moreover, you can determine the maximum delivery times allowed for each day.
  • Interval: Do not show the dialog again within the specified interval.


Manage Operational Plan

Regarding the delivery channel, select Email and complete the trigger and content settings.


  • Scheduled—Only Once
    Set the push time with precision down to minutes.

  • Scheduled—Recurring
    Trigger time:

    • Daily: Set a specified time in the format of hh:mm, with precision down to seconds.
    • Weekly: Set the trigger time at a specified day of every week* hour* minute* second.
    • Monthly: Set the trigger time at a specified day of every month* hour* minute* second.

    If you select a day that does not exist in a month, for example, the 30th day of February, then the schedule does not run that month.

  • Event triggered:
    You can choose to deliver an email after users perform a specified behavior in the app.

Email content

Manage Operational Plan

  • Email template: Select the email template created in the material management center in advance.

  • Custom editing:
    You can use the mail editor to customize the mail content, including button, divider, heading, HTML file, image, menu, and text.

    Manage Operational Plan

  • Sender’s Email Address: Contact Tuya to configure this field when subscribing to the service. Select it from the drop-down list.

  • Sender Name: Contact Tuya to configure this field when subscribing to the service. Select it from the drop-down list.

  • Email Subject: Enter up to 40 characters. Alphanumeric, Chinese, and special characters are supported.

  • Recipient’s Email Address: Contact Tuya to configure this field when subscribing to the service. Select it from the drop-down list.

Mail test

Perform an email test before a plan can be created.
Enter the test email, and click Send to send the test email to the test mailbox. You can check the actual effect in the mailbox.

App banner

Manage Operational Plan

Show page

Manage Operational Plan

The following show pages are optional:

  • Home Page: Select this option to display the banner on Home of the app.
  • My Page: Select this option to display the banner on My Pages.

Banner content settings

Manage Operational Plan

  • Image: Recommended image dimensions are 1029 × 300 pixels.
  • Navigation: Navigation URL, Knowledge Center, and Mall Page are optional. The Mall Page option is available only after you subscribe to the App Mall service.

Splash screen

Manage Operational Plan

Display settings

Manage Operational Plan
  • Display Duration: Set it to a value from 1 to 5 seconds.
  • Support to Skip: Set it to Yes, so the Skip button appears on the splash screen. Tap this button to skip the splash screen.
  • Limit on the Number of Times: You can enable this option to set the maximum number of times the splash screen can show up for each user per day. You can also set the maximum number of times the splash screen can show up in total. Both upper limits help avoid disturbing users.

App review request dialog

Manage Operational Plan

Trigger conditions and show page

Manage Operational Plan
  • Channel: You can choose to trigger a dialog after users perform a specified behavior in the app.
  • Show Page: Select a page to be shown in the dialog.

App review content settings

Manage Operational Plan

  • Title: Enter up to 20 characters. Alphanumeric and Chinese characters are supported.
  • Subtitle: Enter up to 50 characters. Alphanumeric, Chinese, and special characters are supported.
  • Image: Tuya provides a default image. You can upload another image to replace the default one. Recommended dimensions are 245 × 168 pixels.
  • Review Button Text: Enter up to 10 characters. Alphanumeric, Chinese, and special characters are supported.
  • Feedback Button Text: Enter up to 10 characters. Alphanumeric, Chinese, and special characters are supported.
  • Close Button Text: Enter up to 10 characters. Alphanumeric, Chinese, and special characters are supported.

Frequency setting

Manage Operational Plan
  • You can set an interval at which the app review dialog appears. Unit: Day(s), Hour(s), and Minute(s).
  • For the same app version, the dialog appears up to three times per user.
  • For the same app version, after a user taps Praise or Feedback, the app review dialog will no longer appear for the user.

App push

Manage Operational Plan


Manage Operational Plan
  • Scheduled—Only Once
    Set the push time with precision down to minutes.

  • Scheduled—Recurring
    Trigger time:

    • Daily: Set a specified time in the format of hh:mm, with precision down to seconds.
    • Weekly: Set the trigger time at a specified day of every week* hour* minute* second.
    • Monthly: Set the trigger time at a specified day of every month* hour* minute* second.

    If you select a day that does not exist in a month, for example, the 30th day of February, then the schedule does not run that month.

  • Event triggered:
    You can choose to send a push notification after users perform a specified behavior in the app.

Push content settings

Manage Operational Plan

  • Notification Title: Enter up to 40 characters. Alphanumeric, Chinese, and special characters are supported.
  • Message Content: Enter up to 200 characters. Alphanumeric, Chinese, and special characters are supported.
  • Navigation: App, Navigation URL, Knowledge Center, and Mall Page are optional. The Mall Page option is available only after you subscribe to the App Mall service.

Operational goal setting

Manage Operational Plan

(Optional) Set up a goal for the operational plan.

  • The goal consists of conversion time and event. The operational goal is achieved if users complete an event within the conversion time after receiving a push notification.
  • The goals of different activities are evaluated separately. For example, if a user completes an event, it might be considered that the goals of two activities have been achieved.

Basic information

Manage Operational Plan

  • Plan Name: Enter up to 50 characters. Alphanumeric, Chinese, and special characters are supported.
  • Effective Time: Specify the start and end time of the plan. The plan will only run within the effective time.

View operational plan

Manage Operational Plan

Select app

  • Select an app: If you have launched multiple apps, you can select a desired app from the drop-down list in the top left corner of the page.

    Manage Operational Plan

Then, the data associated with a specified operational plan will be displayed.


  • Running: The number of operational plans that have passed the review, started, and are within the effective time at present.
  • Not started: The number of operational plans that have passed the review and are within the effective time at present.
  • Not approved: The number of operational plans that failed to pass the review because the text or pictures in the plan did not meet the specifications. They can be edited and resubmitted for review.
  • Done: The number of operational plans that have passed the review and the effective time has expired.

Operational plan list

  • Search: Support fuzzy search by plan name, and filter by delivery channel and status.
  • Edit the plans:
    You cannot edit a running plan. You need to pause the running plan before editing it.
    You cannot edit a plan in the Done state.
    During editing, you cannot change the delivery channel of an operational plan.

Operational plan status

Status Description Operation
Not approved A plan failed to pass the review because the text or pictures in the plan did not meet the specifications. Edit, delete, start, and pause
Not started A plan has passed the review and is within the effective time at present. Edit, delete, start, and pause
Running A plan has passed the review, started, and is within the effective time at present. Pause
Pause A plan has passed the review, and it is paused and within the effective time at present. Edit, delete, and start
Done A plan has passed the review and the effective time has expired at present. None