Development Platform

Last Updated on : 2024-06-18 08:51:28download

This topic describes the development platforms to which the Networked Product Development Kits are adapted. If you opt for a Tuya standard chip, the supporting hardware design guidelines, modules, and evaluation kits are available for you to choose from.

Hardware information

Development platform
T series, such as T2, T3, and T5 T series
BK7231N/BK7231NSP CB series
TCS905 series
RTL8720CF WBR series
RTL8720CM/CSM WBR series
RTL8720DN/CS WBR series
ECR6600 AXY series
XR806 WX series

For more information about the development framework releases, see Release Notes.

Support and help

If you have any problems with TuyaOS development, you can post your questions in the Tuya Developer Forum.