Type Development Kit

Last Updated on : 2024-06-25 04:06:49download

Type Development Kit for networked products is a suite of SDKs designed to help you implement networking capabilities for different product specifications and use cases. It provides a host of essential features, including device pairing and activation, security, cloud connectivity, and device control.


The kit is broken down into the following types by applicability.

Type Development Kit
Ethernet device development Networked devices that are connected over Ethernet or capable of Wi-Fi connectivity without app pairing, for example, screen-equipped devices. You can also use this kit to develop devices that require cloud connectivity only.
Wi-Fi device development Typical Wi-Fi-enabled devices.
Low power Wi-Fi device development Wi-Fi-enabled devices that require keep-alive connection, with low power consumption.
Wi-Fi & Bluetooth combo device development Wi-Fi-enabled devices with Bluetooth connectivity. Non-keep-alive devices with low power.
Wi-Fi & Bluetooth Matter device development Wi-Fi-enabled Matter-compatible devices with Bluetooth connectivity. This kit enables connection to Tuya Cloud.
Wi-Fi & Bluetooth Matter Lite device development Wi-Fi-enabled Matter-compatible devices with Bluetooth connectivity, without TuyaOS capabilities.

Support and help

If you have any problems with TuyaOS development, you can post your questions in the Tuya Developer Forum.