TuyaOSNetworked Product FrameworkType Development KitWi-Fi & Bluetooth Matter Lite Device Development Kit

Wi-Fi & Bluetooth Matter Lite Device Development Kit

Last Updated on : 2022-12-20 08:23:03download


Wi-Fi & Bluetooth Matter Lite Device Development Kit is built on top of the TuyaOS and designed for developing smart Wi-Fi and Bluetooth LE combo products. It supports the Matter standard and provides related functions. You do not need to take care of feature implementation for different Wi-Fi and Bluetooth combo chip platforms. Just working on the standard APIs, you can make them IoT-enabled.


Wi-Fi & Bluetooth Matter Lite Device Development Kit is provided to help you implement Matter-enabled devices quickly and efficiently. This kit does not support TuyaOS capabilities.

Resource requirements

Wi-Fi & Bluetooth Matter Lite Device Development Kit requires 900 KB ROM and 150 KB RAM.

Capability map

Device management

Initialization After a device is powered on and started, it calls a range of APIs to initialize the hardware environment, TuyaOS software, and applications. On application initialization, you need to provide callback functions as needed to handle internal events including status changes, device controls, and firmware updates.
Reset A device is restored to the settings that the device had before it was paired and activated. Device reset can be triggered by hardware operation or mobile app operation. In terms of device status after a reset, there are two types of reset: normal reset (device unbound) and factory reset (device unbound with data erased).
Authorization Authorization is the process of writing the device ID assigned by Tuya to the non-volatile memory on the device for the purpose of authentication. You can perform authorization through code or a tool. The former is for debugging purposes, and the latter is for mass production.

Third-party ecosystem

Matter The full features of Matter protocol enable your device to be Matter-compatible and integrated into the Matter ecosystem.

Basic services

Secure storage Encrypted key-value store as well as file-based data storage in plain text.
Health checks Regularly check the device memory, wireless signal, and task status. You can customize the metrics.
Logging service Local logs that record device operations. Exceptions can be recorded, sorted, and reported to the cloud.
Event service Event subscription and publishing. This allows you to monitor and handle events as needed.
Time service (time zone and daylight saving time (DST)) Time management and maintenance. UTC time and local time are supported. Local time is determined by UTC time, time zone, and DST.
Timer queue Software timers.
Job queue Job queues used to process asynchronous low-priority tasks on which blocking might occur.
Connection management Device connection management, such as Wi-Fi, Ethernet, and Bluetooth. It is used to maintain the direct connection between devices and the network.
Thread management Managing threads.

Device driver

Connection driver

Wi-Fi Wi-Fi driver
Bluetooth Bluetooth driver

Peripheral driver

GPIO GPIO driver
ADC ADC driver
PWM PWM driver
I2C I2C driver
I2S I2S driver
UART UART driver
DAC DAC driver
SPI SPI driver

Power management

Low power Wi-Fi Low power Wi-Fi management.

Device security

Security system (security level and capability) Device authentication, secure storage, secure communication, and privacy and data compliance.


mbedTLS Mbed TLS library.

System service

Memory management (tuya heap6) TuyaOS proprietary heap management.
TCP/IP stack (tuya lwip) TuyaOS self-maintained lwIP protocol.
Bluetooth stack (tuya Bluetooth) TuyaOS self-maintained Bluetooth protocol.
tuya wpa supplicant TuyaOS self-maintained wpa_supplicant component.

Support and help

If you have any problems with TuyaOS development, you can post your questions in the Tuya Developer Forum.