Third-Party Libraries

Last Updated on : 2024-06-05 03:14:27download

The Panel SDK is supplied with useful JavaScript libraries to increase the programming efficiency and improve the UI experience and performance of extension programs. Thus, your panel SDK development can be more effortless and efficient.

List of integrated third-party libraries

Third-party library Version number All-in-one app version RnVersion
react-native-image-picker 0.26.7 3.19.0 5.28
react-native-maps 0.14.0 3.19.0 5.28
react-native-video 3.2.1 3.19.0 5.28
react-native-fetch-blob 0.10.15 3.10.0 5.14
react-native-svg 5.5.1 3.19.0 5.28
react-native-view-shot 2.3.0 3.19.0 5.28
lottie-react-native 2.5.11 3.20.0 5.29
react-native-screens 2.9.0 3.21.0 5.30
react-native-gesture-handler 1.3.0 3.21.0 5.30
react-native-safe-area-context 3.0.7 3.21.0 5.30
react-native-masked-view 0.1.10 3.21.0 5.30
react-native-reanimated 1.9.0 3.21.0 5.30
react-native-blur 3.6.0 3.22.0 5.31
react-native-webview 11.6.2 3.29.5 5.44
react-native-linear-gradient 2.5.6 3.31.5 5.48