Message Types

Last Updated on : 2024-10-16 03:42:43download

Tuya’s IoT message queue is composed of messages generated by the cloud-based business data flow. Tuya defines bizCode (action) to distinguish different messages. For example, the bizCode of device property reporting is devicePropertyMessage. This topic describes the transfer process of typical bizCode and the detailed data format of all available bizCode.

Format description

The data format of a message queue is divided into two layers:

  • The first layer:
    • protocol: the protocol number.
    • pv: the protocol version number.
    • t: the system time pushed to you.
    • data: the business data pushed to you.
    • sign: the message signature used for anti-counterfeiting verification. The most critical protocol is a classification with a coarser granularity than bizCode, helping you complete preliminary message distribution.
  • The second layer: data. This layer can be used only after you decrypt it, and you can get a key-value pair in JSON string format.

The following figure shows the two-layer data format.

Message Types
  • Both #msg and the decrypted are in JSON format.
  • With business upgrades, Tuya might add key-value pairs to #msg and in JSON format. Make sure that your code processing logic is not affected when key-value pairs are added.

List of protocol numbers

In a message queue, each protocol number stands for different features.

Select the version of protocol numbers

This topic lists two versions of protocol numbers.

  • IoT Core protocol number: Tuya upgraded the IoT Core service on June 20, 2023. For more information, see the API Adjustment Announcement. The new version includes common underlying APIs related to devices and space, and also provides a matching messaging protocol.

  • Legacy protocol numbers: including protocol numbers of messages for homes, assets, and some vertical fields.

    For example, deviceOnline sent by IoT Core protocol number 1001 and online pushed by the legacy protocol number 20 both indicate that the device is online, but the content of the pushed data varies.

You can choose a messaging protocol based on the specific cloud service. Configuring two protocols might cause duplicate reception and processing. If you want to simultaneously use both versions of messages, see Set up messaging rules to configure message reception.

IoT Core protocol number

Service Protocol number bizCode Scope of application
Device data reporting 1000
  • devicePropertyMessage: Report device properties.
  • deviceQueryPropertyMessage: Query and report device properties.
  • deviceEventMessage: Report device events.
  • deviceActionResponseMessage: Invoke device actions.
IoT Core
Device management 1001
  • deviceOnline: A device goes online.
  • deviceOffline: A device goes offline.
  • deviceTransfer: Transfer a device.
  • deviceFreeze: Freeze a device.
  • deviceUnFreeze: Unfreeze a device.
  • deviceBindSpace: Bind a device.
  • deviceUnbindSpace: Unbind a device.
  • deviceNameUpdate: Rename a device.
IoT Core
Device OTA updates 1002
  • deviceOtaProgress: Device firmware OTA updates are in progress.
IoT Core
Space 1010
  • spaceCreate: Create a space.
  • spaceRemove: Remove a space.
  • spaceUpdate: Rename a space.
IoT Core
Group 1020
  • groupCreate: Create a group.
  • groupDelete: Remove a group.
  • groupNameUpdate: Rename a group.
  • groupDeviceAdd: Add a device to a group.
  • groupDeviceRemove: Remove a device from a group.
IoT Core
Linkage rule 1030
  • linkageRuleChangeComplete: Change a linkage rule.
  • linkageRuleExecuteComplete: Execute a linkage rule.
IoT Core

Legacy protocol number

The legacy protocol numbers are for your reference.

Service Protocol number bizCode Scope of application
Device data reporting 4
  • No bizCode: Report device status data.
Legacy version
Device management 20
  • online: A device goes online.
  • offline: A device goes offline.
  • nameUpdate: Rename a device.
  • dpNameUpdate: Rename a data point of a device.
  • bindUser: Bind a device with a user.
  • delete: Remove a device.
  • upgradeStatus: Update status of a device.
Legacy version
IoT SIM card 43
  • simStop: Suspend an IoT SIM card.
  • simLimitAlarm: Send data usage alerts of an IoT SIM card.
Legacy version
Third-party speaker 45
  • textToSpeech: Trigger a voice prompt.
  • reset: Reset a third-party speaker.
  • customQAChange: Change the custom Q&A data.
Legacy version
Automation 25
  • automationExecute: Run an automation task.
  • automationEnable: Enable an automation task.
  • automationUpdate: Modify an automation task.
  • automationAdd: Add an automation task.
  • automationDisable: Disable an automation task.
  • automationRemove: Remove an automation task.
Legacy version
Automate an external action 22
  • automationExternalAction: Automate an external action.
Legacy version
Scene 25
  • sceneAdd: Add a scene.
  • sceneUpdate: Modify a scene.
  • sceneRemove: Remove a scene.
  • sceneEnable: Enable a scene.
  • sceneDisable: Disable a scene.
  • sceneExecute: Run a scene.
  • scenesStrategyModify: Modify scene rules.
Legacy version
Industrial asset 13001
  • industryAssetDeviceBind: Bind a device with an industrial asset.
  • industryAssetDeviceUnbind: Unbind a device from an industrial asset.
  • industryAssetChange: Change an industrial asset.
Legacy version
Security device 30
  • preArm: Arming.
  • armed: Armed.
  • disarm: Disarm.
  • preAlarm: Start the alarm delay.
  • cancelAlarm: Cancel an alarm.
Legacy version
Infrared product 50
  • infraredLearnMessage: Push messages about infrared learning and saving.
Legacy version
Notification of device information 20
  • event_notify: Modify the device information.
Legacy version
User property 32
  • userProperty: Modify a user’s extension property.
Legacy version
Geofencing 40
  • outdoorsFenceAlarm: Trigger an alarm by the electronic geofence.
Legacy version
User event 54
  • userRegisterEvent: Register a user.
  • userUpdateEvent: Modify a user.
  • userDeleteEvent: Delete a user. Currently, a user deletion message is sent seven days after the user is deleted.
Legacy version
Home event 35
  • homeCreate: Create a home.
  • homeUpdate: Modify a home.
  • homeDelete: Delete a home.
  • homeMemberSharing: Invite a home member.
  • homeMemberUpdate: Modify a home member.
  • homeMemberDelete: Delete a home member.
Legacy version
Room event 34
  • roomCreate: Create a room.
  • roomBatchCreate: Create rooms in bulk.
  • roomDelete: Delete a room.
  • roomSort: Sort a room.
  • roomNameUpdate: Rename a room.
Legacy version

IoT Core events

Report device data (protocol 1000)

Report device properties

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    dataId String The unique ID of the reported data. This ID has no business meaning.
    devId String The device ID.
    productId String The product ID of the specified device.
    properties List<PropertyItem> The list of the device property data reported this time.

    Description of PropertyItem

    code Data type Description
    code String The code of the reported device property.
    value String The value of the reported device property.
    dpId String The ID of the specified data point.
    time Long The 13-digit timestamp when the device property was reported.
  • Example

        "bizCode": "devicePropertyMessage",
        "bizData": {
            "dataId": "1635186469981261***",
            "devId": "263a15c90bc83eff35***",
            "productId": "ejhcgtdtgtcuh***",
            "properties": [
                    "code": "property",
                    "dpId": 101,
                    "time": 1678693809396,
                    "value": "red"
        "ts": 1678693809396

Instruct device to report properties

Different from the action that a device regularly reports device properties, the cloud or mobile app actively sends an instruction to a device to trigger status reporting. After receiving the specified instruction, the device reports the required status.

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    dataId String The unique ID of the reported data. This ID has no business meaning.
    devId String The device ID.
    productId String The product ID of the specified device.
    properties List<PropertyItem> The list of the device property data reported this time.

    Description of PropertyItem

    code Data type Description
    code String The code of the reported device property.
    value String The value of the reported device property.
    dpId String The ID of the specified data point.
    time Long The 13-digit timestamp when the device property was reported.
  • Example

        "bizCode": "deviceQueryPropertyMessage",
        "bizData": {
            "dataId": "1635186469981261***",
            "devId": "263a15c90bc83eff35***",
            "productId": "ejhcgtdtgtcuh***",
            "properties": [
                    "code": "property",
                    "dpId": 101,
                    "time": 1678693809396,
                    "value": "red"
        "ts": 1678693809396

Report device events

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    dataId String The unique ID of the reported data. This ID has no business meaning.
    devId String The device ID.
    productId String The product ID of the specified device.
    eventCode String The code of the specified device event.
    time Long The 13-digit timestamp when the device event was reported.
    outputParams List<OutputParamsItem> The list of the device event data reported this time.

    Description of OutputParamsItem

    code Data type Description
    code String The name of the specified output parameter.
    value String The value of the specified output parameter.
  • Example

        "bizCode": "deviceEventMessage",
        "bizData": {
            "dataId": "1635186587996393***",
            "devId": "263a15c90bc83eff35***",
            "eventCode": "event",
            "outputParams": [
                    "code": "event_1",
                    "value": "true"
            "productId": "ejhcgtdtgtcuh***",
            "time": 1678693837533
        "ts": 1678693837789

Invoke device actions

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    dataId String The unique ID of the reported data. This ID has no business meaning.
    devId String The device ID.
    productId String The product ID of the specified device.
    actionCode String The code of the specified device action.
    time Long The 13-digit timestamp when the device action was invoked.
    responseCode String The returned result. Valid values:
    • 0: success.
    • Other values: failure.
    status String The execution status of the specified action. Valid values:
    • SUCCESS: success.
    • TIME_OUT: timeout.
  • Example

        "bizCode": "deviceActionResponseMessage",
        "bizData": {
            "actionCode": "action_code",
            "dataId": "1443433584600440***",
            "devId": "263a15c90bc83eff35***",
            "productId": "ejhcgtdtgtcuh***",
            "responseCode": 0,
            "status": "SUCCESS",
            "time": 1678693877497
        "ts": 1678693878088

Manage device (protocol 1001)

Go online

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    devId String The device ID.
    productId String The product ID of the specified device.
    uid String The ID of the user who performs device pairing.
    time Long The 13-digit timestamp when the device went online.
  • Example

        "bizCode": "deviceOnline",
        "bizData": {
            "devId": "6c0946b2fff7b98d6em***",
            "uid": "ay1638425579033A1***",
            "productId": "jv19g49qohpo8***",
            "time": 1678952060301
        "ts": 1678952060418

Go offline

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    devId String The device ID.
    productId String The product ID of the specified device.
    uid String The ID of the user who performs device pairing.
    time Long The 13-digit timestamp when the device went offline.
  • Example

        "bizCode": "deviceOffline",
        "bizData": {
            "devId": "6c0946b2fff7b98d6em***",
            "uid": "ay1638425579033A1***",
            "productId": "jv19g49qohpo8***",
            "time": 1678951891724
        "ts": 1678951891733

Transfer a device

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    devId String The device ID.
    productId String The product ID of the specified device.
    spaceId String The ID of the specified target space.
    fromSpaceId String The ID of the specified source space.
  • Example

        "bizCode": "deviceTransfer",
        "bizData": {
            "devId": "6c0946b2fff7b98d6em***",
            "spaceId": "151481***",
            "productId": "jv19g49qohpo8***",
            "fromSpaceId": "151482***"
        "ts": 1678952218298

Freeze a device

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    devId String The device ID.
    productId String The product ID of the specified device.
    uid String The ID of the user who performs device pairing.
    spaceId String The ID of the specified space.
  • Example

        "bizCode": "deviceFreeze",
        "bizData": {
            "devId": "6c0946b2fff7b98d6em***",
            "uid": "ay1638425579033A1***",
            "spaceId": "151481***",
            "productId": "jv19g49qohpo8***"
        "ts": 1678952317535

Unfreeze a device

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    devId String The device ID.
    productId String The product ID of the specified device.
    uid String The ID of the user who performs device pairing.
    spaceId String The ID of the specified space.
  • Example

        "bizCode": "deviceUnFreeze",
        "bizData": {
            "devId": "6c0946b2fff7b98d6em***",
            "uid": "ay1638425579033A1***",
            "spaceId": "151481***",
            "productId": "jv19g49qohpo8***"
        "ts": 1678952314832

Bind a device

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    devId String The device ID.
    productId String The product ID of the specified device.
    uid String The ID of the user who performs device pairing.
    spaceId String The ID of the specified space.
    uuid String The universally unique identifier (UUID) of the specified device.
    token String The token for device pairing.
  • Example

        "bizCode": "deviceBindSpace",
        "bizData": {
            "devId": "6c0946b2fff7b98d6em***",
            "uid": "ay1638425579033A1***",
            "spaceId": "151481***",
            "productId": "jv19g49qohpo8***",
            "uuid": "ca4ad1cb06be1***",
            "token": "RuUWe***"
        "ts": 1678952059739

Unbind a device

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    devId String The device ID.
    productId String The product ID of the specified device.
    uid String The ID of the user who performs device pairing.
    spaceId String The ID of the specified space.
    sub String Specifies whether it is a sub-device. Valid values:
    • true: yes
    • false: no
    resetFactory String Specifies whether to restore factory defaults.
    uuid String The universally unique identifier (UUID) of the specified device.
  • Example

        "bizCode": "deviceUnbindSpace",
        "bizData": {
            "devId": "6c0946b2fff7b98d6em***",
            "uid": "ay1638425579033A1***",
            "spaceId": "151481***",
            "sub": false,
            "resetFactory": false,
            "productId": "jv19g49qohpo8***",
            "uuid": "ca4ad1cb06be1***"
        "ts": 1678951891665

Rename a device

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    devId String The device ID.
    productId String The product ID of the specified device.
    uid String The ID of the user who performs device pairing.
    name String The name.
    uuid String The universally unique identifier (UUID) of the specified device.
  • Example

        "bizCode": "deviceNameUpdate",
        "bizData": {
            "devId": "6c0946b2fff7b98d6em***",
            "uid": "ay1638425579033A1***",
            "productId": "jv19g49qohpo8***",
            "name": "Change name***",
            "uuid": "ca4ad1cb06be1***"
        "ts": 1678952636853

OTA update (protocol 1002)

Device OTA update events

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    devId String The device ID.
    progress Integer The update progress. Valid values: an integer between 0 and 100.
    channel String The channel number. Valid values:
    • 0: Main module firmware.
    • 1: Bluetooth firmware.
    • 3: Zigbee firmware.
    • 6: Thread firmware.
    • 9: MCU firmware.
    • 10 to 19: Extended firmware.
  • Example

        "bizCode": "deviceOtaProgress",
        "bizData": {
            "devId": "6c622fa1f003b84e74i***",
            "progress": 100,
            "channel": 0
        "ts": 1678703050654

Space (protocol 1010)

Create a space

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    spaceId String The ID of the specified space.
    name String The name.
  • Example

        "bizCode": "spaceCreate",
        "bizData": {
            "spaceId": 152082***,
            "name": "Campus Space"
        "ts": 1678691050625

Remove a space

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    spaceId String The ID of the specified space.
  • Example

        "bizCode": "spaceRemove",
        "bizData": {
            "spaceId": 152082***
        "ts": 1678691097671

Rename a space

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    spaceId String The ID of the specified space.
    name String The name.
  • Example

        "bizCode": "spaceUpdate",
        "bizData": {
            "spaceId": 152082***,
            "name": "Campus Space"
        "ts": 1678691092910

Group (protocol 1020)

Create Group

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    groupId Long The ID of the specified group.
    spaceId String The ID of the specified space.
    name String The name.
    time Long The 13-digit timestamp when the group was created.
  • Example

        "bizCode": "groupCreate",
        "bizData": {
            "spaceId": "151482***",
            "groupId": "12898***",
            "name": "Home Group",
            "time": 1678950226742
        "ts": 1678950226751

Delete Group

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    groupId Long The ID of the specified group.
    spaceId String The ID of the specified space.
    time Long The 13-digit timestamp when the group was removed.
  • Example

        "bizCode": "groupDelete",
        "bizData": {
            "spaceId": "151482***",
            "groupId": "12898***",
            "time": "1678950436076"
        "ts": 1678950436087

Modify a group

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    groupId Long The ID of the specified group.
    spaceId String The ID of the specified space.
    name String The name.
    time Long The 13-digit timestamp when the group was modified.
  • Example

        "bizCode": "groupNameUpdate",
        "bizData": {
            "spaceId": "151482***",
            "groupId": "12898***",
            "name": "Home Group",
            "time": "1678950411961"
        "ts": 1678950411998

Add devices to a group

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    groupId Long The ID of the specified group.
    spaceId String The ID of the specified space.
    devIds List Device list
    time Long The 13-digit timestamp when devices were added to the group.
  • Example

        "bizCode": "groupDeviceAdd",
        "bizData": {
            "spaceId": "151482***",
            "groupId": "12898***",
            "devIds": [
            "time": "1678950226762"
        "ts": 1678950226775

Remove devices from a group

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    groupId Long The ID of the specified group.
    spaceId String The ID of the specified space.
    devIds List Device list
    time Long The 13-digit timestamp when devices were removed from the group.
  • Example

        "bizCode": "groupDeviceRemove",
        "bizData": {
            "spaceId": "151482***",
            "groupId": "12898***",
            "devIds": [
            "time": "1678950430449"
        "ts": 1678950430462

Linkage rule (protocol 1030)

Modify a linkage rule

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    ruleId Long The ID of the specified rule.
    eventCode String The code of the specified event. Valid values:
    • add: Add a linkage rule.
    • modify: Modify a linkage rule.
    • remove: Remove a linkage rule.
    • disable: Disable a linkage rule.
    • enable: Enable a linkage rule.
    • state: Change the operation type.
    time Long The 13-digit timestamp when the linkage rule was changed.
    eventData EventData The rule data. This parameter has a value when the value of eventCode is state.

    Description of EventData

    code Data type Description
    runMode String The operation type. Valid values:
    • local: local linkage.
    • lan: linkage over LAN.
    • cloud: linkage in the cloud.
  • Example

        "bizCode": "linkageRuleChangeComplete",
        "bizData": {
            "eventCode": "add",
            "time": 1678950742932,
            "ruleId": "t7sFRCpcMOjsv***"
        "ts": 1678950744321
  • eventCode: state


        "bizCode": "linkageRuleChangeComplete",
        "bizData": {
            "eventCode": "state",
            "eventData": {
                "runMode": "local"
            "time": 1678950743000,
            "ruleId": "t7sFRCpcMOjsv***"
        "ts": 1678950744509

Execute a linkage rule

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    eventId String The unique ID of the reported data. This ID has no business meaning.
    ruleId String The ID of the specified rule.
    spaceId String The ID of the specified space.
    triggerEntityId String The ID of the specified user who triggers a rule.
    startTime Long The 13-digit timestamp when the execution of a linkage rule started.
    endTime Long The 13-digit timestamp when the execution of a linkage rule ended.
    status Long The status of the execution. Valid values:
    • success: The execution succeeded.
    • fail: The execution failed.
    • noMatch: The criteria do not match.
  • Example

        "bizCode": "linkageRuleExecuteComplete",
        "bizData": {
            "eventId": "6412c16547a0a2001f499***_t7sFRCpcMOjsv***",
            "spaceId": "151482***",
            "startTime": 1678950757833,
            "endTime": 1678950757874,
            "triggerEntityId": "bay1618908218427P***",
            "ruleId": "t7sFRCpcMOjsv***",
            "status": "success"
        "ts": 1678950757902

Legacy version events

Report device data (protocol 4)

Report device status data

  • Description of data

    code Data type Description
    dataId String The unique ID of the reported data. This ID has no business meaning.
    devId String The device ID.
    productKey String The product ID of the specified device.
    status List<StatusItem> The list of the device status data reported this time.

    Description of StatusItem

    code Data type Description
    code String The code of the specified device status reported.
    value Object The status value of the code reported by the specified device.
    t Long The 13-digit timestamp when the device status was reported.
    “{dpId}”:“{dpValue}” String:String
    • dpId: the code of the specified data point in the product definition.
    • dpValue: the value of the specified data point.
  • Example


Manage device (protocol 20)

Go online

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    time Long The timestamp.
  • Example

      "devId": "002dj00118fe34d9****",
      "productKey": "The product key defined on the Tuya Developer Platform",
      "bizCode": "online",
      "bizData": {
      "time": 146052438362

Go offline

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    time Long The timestamp.
  • Example

        "devId": "002dj00118fe34d9****",
        "productKey": "The product key defined on the Tuya Developer Platform",
        "bizCode": "offline",
        "bizData": {
          "time": 146052438362

Rename a device

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    devId String The device ID.
    name String The device name.
  • Example

      "devId": "002dj00118fe34d9****",
      "productKey": "The product key defined on the Tuya Developer Platform",
      "bizCode": "nameUpdate",
      "bizData": {
        "devId": "002dj00118fe34d9****",
        "name": "new name"

Rename a data point

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    devId String The device ID.
    name String The name of the specified data point.
    dpId String The ID of the specified data point.
  • Example

      "devId": "002dj00118fe34d9****",
      "productKey": "The product key defined on the Tuya Developer Platform",
      "bizCode": "dpNameUpdate",
      "bizData": {
        "devId": "002dj00118fe34d9****",
        "name": "new name",
        "dpId": "dpId"

Bind a device with a user account

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    devId String The device ID.
    uuid String The universally unique identifier (UUID) of the specified device.
    uid String The user ID bound with the device.
    token String The token for device pairing.
  • Example

      "devId": "002dj00118fe34d9****",
      "productKey": "The product key defined on the Tuya Developer Platform",
      "bizCode": "bindUser",
      "bizData": {
        "devId": "002dj00118fe34d9****",
        "uuid": "06200043b4e618c1****",
        "token": "IIpQ****"

Delete a device

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    devId String The device ID.
    uid String The ID of the user that is bound with a device.
  • Example

      "devId": "002dj00118fe34d9****",
      "productKey": "The product key defined on the Tuya Developer Platform",
      "bizCode": "delete",
      "bizData": {
        "devId": "002dj00118fe34d9****",

Update the device status

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    devId String The device ID.
    moduleType Int The module type. Valid values:
    • 0: Wi-Fi
    • 1: Bluetooth Low Energy (LE)
    • 2: GPRS
    upgradeStatus Int The update status. Valid values:
    • 1: Prepare to update.
    • 2: An update is in progress.
    • 3: An update is completed.
    • 4: An exception occurs during an update process.
    • 7: An update timed out.
    description String The description of an update.
    oldVersion String The earlier firmware.
    newVersion String The later firmware.
  • Example

        "bizData": {
            "description":"Update Test",
            "oldVersion": "1.0.1",
            "newVersion": "1.0.2"

IoT SIM card (protocol 43)

Suspend an IoT SIM card

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    iccid String The ID of the specified IoT SIM card.
    deviceId String The device ID.
    uid String The user ID.
    pid String The product ID.
    stopReason String Reasons for suspending the IoT SIM card. Valid values:
    • PACKAGE_EXHAUSTED: The data is used up.
    • EXPIRE_PACKAGE: The package has expired.
    • INVOKE:****: It is called by the requesting party.
    • UNBIND_PACKAGE: The package is unbound.
    • UNSUBSCRIBE_PACKAGE: The package is unsubscribed.
    reportTime Long The timestamp when data was reported.
  • Example

        "iccid": "****",
        "deviceId": "****",
        "uid": "****",
        "pid": "****",
        "stopReason": "FLOW_OUT",
        "reportTime": 1620896040128

Send data usage alerts

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    iccid String The ID of the specified IoT SIM card.
    deviceId String The device ID.
    uid String The user ID.
    pid String The product ID.
    totalFlowAmount String The total available data amount.
    usedFlowAmount String The amount of used data.
    reportTime Long The timestamp when data was reported.
  • Example

        "iccid": "xxxx",
        "deviceId": "xxxx",
        "uid": "xxxx",
        "pid": "xxxx",
        "totalFlowAmount": 10240,
        "usedFlowAmount": 1024,
        "reportTime": 1620896040128

Third-party speaker (protocol 45)

Send voice prompts

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    brandCode String The brand code of the specified speaker.
    voiceId String The device ID of the specified speaker.
    command Array The command.
  • Description of command

    code Data type Description
    intent String The intention. For example, welcome can be used for showing welcome.
    content Object The conent of a command.
  • Description of content

    code Data type Description
    value String The content for a voice prompt.
  • Example

            "command": [{
                "intent": "welcome",
                    "value": "Welcome to this hotel"

Reset a third-party speaker

  • Message description

    This message is sent when a third-party speaker is unbound or a guest checks out. On receiving the message, the voice platform will clear the usage history or the cache.

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    brandCode String The brand code of the specified speaker.
    voiceId String The device ID of the specified speaker.
  • Example


Change custom Q&A data

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    spaceId String The ID of the specified space.
    brandCodeList List The list of the speaker brand codes.
  • Example


Automation (protocol 25)

Run an automation task

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    gid Long The linkage ID.
    uid String The user ID.
    id String The rule code.
    name String The rule name.
    ts Long The timestamp.
    actions List The list of actions.

    Description of Action

    code Data type Description
    id String The action ID.
    execStatus Integer The execution status. Valid values:
    • -1: default
    • 0: failure
    • 1: success
    • 2: to be executed
    • 3: no execution is required
    entityId String The entity ID.
    executeTime Long The 13-digit timestamp when the task was executed.
  • Example

            "name": "If timer: 15:28 on June 20",

Automate an external action (protocol 22)

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    automationId String The automation ID.
    bizData JSON The custom data, to be used with POST/v1.0/homes/{home_id}/automations/{automation_id}/conditions/trigger.
  • Example


Scene (protocol 25)

Run a scene

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    name String The name of the specified scene.
    id String The ID of the specified scene.
    gid Long The home ID.
    uid String The ID (UID) of the specified user who adds a scene.
    ts Long The timestamp when a message was delivered.
    actions.entityId String The entity ID.
    actions.execStatus Integer The status of the action. Valid values:
    • -1: default
    • 0: failure
    • 1: success
    • 2: to be executed
    • 3: no execution is required
    actions.executeTime Long The timestamp when a scene was executed. String The action ID.
    actions.errorMsg String Error message
  • Example


Industrial assets (protocol 13001)

Bind a device with an industrial asset

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    devId String The device ID.
    assetId String The asset ID.
    uuid String The universally unique identifier (UUID) of the specified device.
    token String The token for device pairing.
  • Example


Unbind a device from an industrial asset

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    devId String The device ID.
    assetId String The asset ID.
    uuid String The universally unique identifier (UUID) of the specified device.
  • Example


Change an industrial asset

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    assetId String The asset ID.
    eventTime String The 13-digit timestamp when the event occurred.
    assetName String The asset name.
    eventType String The event type. Valid values:
    • add: Add an asset.
    • update: Rename an asset.
    • delete: Remove an asset.
  • Example

            "assetName":"my asset",

Infrared (protocol 50)

Unbind a device from an asset

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    devId String The device ID.
    eventType String The event type. Valid values:
    • INFRARED_LEARN: infrared learning.
    learnCodeList List<CodeItem> The list of IR learning codes.

    Description of CodeItem

    code Data type Description
    id Long The primary key of the specified learning code.
    code String The learning code.
    keyName String The description of the specified key.
    name String The name of the specified key.
  • Example

                "keyName":"Power Supply",

Geofencing (protocol 40)

Geofencing alert

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    devId String The device ID.
    tag String The dimension tag.
    fenceId Long The ID of the specified geofence.
    fenceName String The name of the specified geofence.
    bindType Integer The binding type of the specified geofence. Valid values:
    • 1: private geofence.
    • 2: public geofence.
    lat Double The latitude reported by the current device.
    lon Double The longitude reported by the current device.
    triggerType String The type of alert. Valid values:
    • 1: Enter the geofence.
    • 2: Exit the geofence.
    reportTime Long The 13-digit timestamp when the data was reported.
  • Example


User event (protocol 54)

Register a user

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    uid String The user ID.
    regFrom Integer The source of registration. Valid values:
    • 0: Register with an email address.
    • 1: Register with a mobile phone number.
    • 2: Register with other methods.
    • 9: Register with a third-party user ID (UID).
    mobile String The mobile phone number.
    nickname String The nickname.
    phoneCode String The country code.
    timezoneId String The ID of the specified time zone.
    lang String The multilingual support.
    gmtCreate Long The time when the user was created.
    gmtModified Long The time when the user information was modified.
    headPic String The URL of an avatar.
    username String The username.
    lastLoginTime Long The last login time.
  • Example

    "bizCode": "userRegisterEvent",
    "bizData": {
    	"uid": "ay1695****e66",
    	"regFrom": 9,
    	"mobile": "",
    	"nickname": "****",
    	"phoneCode": "86",
    	"timezoneId": "",
    	"lang": "",
    	"gmtCreate": 1695625445,
    	"gmtModified": 1695710138,
    	"headPic": "****",
    	"username": "****",
    	"lastLoginTime": 1695625445581
    "ts": 1687246619772

Update a user

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    uid String The user ID.
    regFrom Integer The source of registration. Valid values:
    • 0: Register with an email address.
    • 1: Register with a mobile phone number.
    • 2: Register with other methods.
    • 9: Register with a third-party user ID (UID).
    mobile String The mobile phone number.
    nickname String The nickname.
    phoneCode String The country code.
    timezoneId String The ID of the specified time zone.
    lang String The multilingual support.
    gmtCreate Long The time when the user was created.
    gmtModified Long The time when the user information was modified.
    headPic String The URL of an avatar.
    username String The username.
    lastLoginTime Long The last login time.
  • Example

        "bizCode": "userUpdateEvent",
        "bizData": {
            "lastLoginTime": 1695625445581,
            "uid": "ay1695****e66",
            "regFrom": 9,
            "gmtModified": 1695710138,
            "mobile": "",
            "nickname": "****",
            "phoneCode": "86",
            "timezoneId": "",
            "lang": "",
            "gmtCreate": 1695625445,
            "headPic": "****",
            "username": "****"
        "ts": 1687246619772

Delete a user

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    uid String The user ID.
  • Example

        "bizCode": "userDeleteEvent",
        "bizData": {
            "uid": "ay1695****e66"
        "ts": 1687246619772

Home event (protocol 35)

Create a home

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    uid String The user ID.
    homeId String The home ID.
    homeName String The name of the specified home.
  • Example

        "bizCode": "homeCreate",
        "bizData": {
            "uid": "ay16957***0ZXwQ7",
            "homeName": "My Home***",
            "homeId": "***"
        "ts": 1695712142936

Update a home

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    homeId String The home ID.
    homeName String The name of the specified home.
    lon Double The longitude.
    lat Double The latitude.
  • Example

      "bizCode": "homeUpdate",
      "bizData": {
      	"lon": xxxx,
      	"lat": xxxx,
      	"homeName": "My Home***",
      	"homeId": "***"
      "ts": 1695712142936

Delete a home

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    homeId String The home ID.
    homeName String The name of the specified home.
    memberIds List<String> The list of user IDs of home members.
    devices List<String> The list of device IDs of the specified home.
    reason Integer The reason why the specified home is deleted. Valid values:
    • 1: The specified user is deleted with the data cleared, so the home is dissolved and cleared.
    • 2: The specified user operates to dissolve the home, so the home is dissolved.
  • Example

        "bizCode": "homeDelete",
        "bizData": {
            "homeId": "***",
            "homeName": "My Home***",
            "memberIds": [],
            "reason": 1
        "ts": 1695712142936

Invite a home member

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    homeId String The home ID.
    operatorUid String The user ID of the specified inviter or operator.
    memberUid String The user ID with the status changed.
    eventType String The event type. Valid values:
    • agreeForMember: The invitee accepts to join the home as a common member.
    • agreeForAdmin: The invitee accepts to join the home as an administrator.
    • updateToMember: The specified member role is modified to a common member role of the home.
    • updateToAdmin: The specified member role is modified to an administrator role of the home.
    • inviteMember: Invite a member.
  • Example

        "bizCode": "homeMemberSharing",
        "bizData": {
            "uid": "ay1695****e66",
            "homeId": "***",
            "operatorUid": "***",
            "memberUid": "***",
            "eventType": "agreeForMember"
        "ts": 1687246619772

Modify a home member

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    homeId String The home ID.
    operatorUid String The user ID of the specified inviter or operator.
    memberUid String The user ID with the status changed.
    role String Modify the user to the specified role. Valid values:
    • member: Common member
    • admin: Administrator
    • owner: Home owner
  • Example

        "bizCode": "homeMemberUpdate",
        "bizData": {
            "uid": "ay1695****e66",
            "memberName": "***",
            "memberUid": "***",
            "role": "member"
        "ts": 1687246619772

Delete a home member

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    homeId String The home ID.
    memberUid String The user ID with the status changed.
    role String Modify the user to the specified role. Valid values:
    • member: Common member
    • admin: Administrator
    • owner: Home owner
    dealType String Specifies how to deal with the operation. Valid values:
    • declineInvitation: Decline the invitation.
    • removed: Delete the member.
  • Example

        "bizCode": "homeMemberDelete",
        "bizData": {
            "homeId": "1****2",
            "memberUid": "***",
            "role": "****",
            "dealType": "declineInvitation"
        "ts": 1687246619772

Room event (protocol 34)

Create a room

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    uid String The user ID.
    roomId Long The room ID.
    roomName String The room name.
    homeId String The home ID.
  • Example

        "bizCode": "roomCreate",
        "bizData": {
            "roomId": 12***,
            "roomName": "Bedroom",
            "homeId": "1**2**",
        "ts": 1687246619772

Create rooms in bulk

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    uid String The user ID.
    homeId String The home ID.
    rooms List<RoomVO> The list of rooms that are created.
  • Description of RoomVO

    Code Data type Description
    uid String The user ID.
    roomId Long The room ID.
    roomName String The room name.
    homeId String The home ID.
  • Example

          "bizCode": "roomBatchCreate",
          "bizData": {
              "homeId": "1***2",
              "uid": "ay16957***0ZXwQ7",
              "rooms": []
          "ts": 1687246619772

Delete a room

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    homeId String The home ID.
    roomId Long The room ID.
  • Example

        "bizCode": "roomDelete",
        "bizData": {
            "homeId": "xxx",
            "roomId": 12
        "ts": 1687246619772

Sort a room

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    homeId String The home ID.
    rooms List<RoomVO> The list of rooms.
  • Description of RoomVO

    code Data type Description
    roomId Long The room ID.
    order Integer The sorting value. The smaller the value, the higher order it is displayed.
  • Example

    "bizCode": "roomSort",
    "bizData": {
    	"homeId": "xxx",
    	"rooms": [{
    		"roomId": 21,
    		"order": 1
    	}, {
    		"roomId": 11,
    		"order": 2
    "ts": 1687246619772

Rename a room

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    homeId String The home ID.
    roomId Long The room ID.
    roomName String The room name.
  • Example

        "bizCode": "roomNameUpdate",
        "bizData": {
            "homeId": "xxx",
            "roomId": 12xx,
            "roomName": "Bedroom"
        "ts": 1687246619772