Device Pairing

Last Updated on : 2024-05-17 02:40:27download

This topic describes how to put beacon mesh devices in pairing mode.



Concepts Description
Pairing The mobile app finds and adds a Tuya-enabled device to the user’s account.
Beacon mesh status A beacon mesh device can be either in being paired or paired status.
  • Calling the start pairing or reset device function will change the device status from paired to being paired.
  • Pairing timeout will change the device status from being paired to uncontrollable paired.


Put a device in pairing mode.

Data structure

No external data structure.

API description

Function u8 ty_beacon2_node_pair_start(u32 timeout_us) -
Purpose The system will enter pairing mode. -
Request parameter u32 timeout_us Set pairing timeout

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