Device Reset

Last Updated on : 2024-05-17 02:46:10download

This topic describes how to reset beacon mesh devices to factory defaults.



Concepts Description
Reset Reset a Tuya-enabled device to factory defaults to pair it again. Note that devices of strong binding also need to be removed from the app to be paired with another user. Beacon mesh devices are typically not of strong binding.
Beacon mesh status A beacon mesh device can be either in being paired or paired status.
  • Calling the start pairing or reset device function will change the device status from paired to being paired.
  • Pairing timeout will change the device status from being paired to uncontrollable paired.


Reset a device to factory defaults.

Data structure

No external data structure.

API description

Function u8 ty_beacon2_node_reset(u8 is_not_recovery,
u32 pair_timeout_us)
Purpose The system will enter pairing mode. -
Request parameter u8 is_not_recovery Specify whether to restore the device to the previous pairing status if pairing times out.
-> u32 pair_timeout_us The pairing timeout, in microseconds.

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