Create Product

Last Updated on : 2024-06-25 03:40:59download

This topic describes how to create a product on the Tuya Developer Platform, using a custom PT camera as an example. It will walk you through how to select a category, define functions, select a control panel and hardware module, and request a license. The steps below apply to most TuyaOS-based products.

Step 1: Select category

  1. Log in to the Tuya Developer Platform.

  2. Choose Product > Development > Create.

  3. Click the Standard Category tab and choose IP Camera > PT Camera.

    You can also choose a different camera type as needed. This topic uses the PT camera to describe the process.

  4. Choose PT Camera > TuyaOS > Custom Solution > Smart Camera.

    Create Product
  5. Give your product a Name, which will be displayed on the mobile app. The optional Product Model is invisible to end users. You can use it as an internal identifier for the product.

  6. Device Type identifies whether a product can manage sub-devices. Choose Common Device for an IPC product.

    Create Product

Step 2: Define functions

A data point (DP) is an abstract representation of a product function defined for a product. It is denoted with DP ID and identifier. The UI on the mobile app for end users presents the DP you select or add.

  1. In the dialog box that appears, click Select All > OK. This selects all the standard functions in one go.

    Create Product
  2. Then, you can add a custom function as needed. To create a custom function, you need to specify DP ID, identifier, data type, and data transfer type.

  3. For an IPD product, the required advanced function is selected automatically.

    Create Product

Step 3: Select app panel

The all-in-one panel can function after a quick debugging process. If this type of panel does not meet your needs, you can try out the self-developed panel.

Create Product

Step 4: Select hardware

  1. Choose TuyaOS for access mode.

  2. You can select a compatible hardware solution including the SoC, image sensor, and Wi-Fi module. Or, you can choose IPC_CUSTOM, which means you use your custom hardware solution and only buy Tuya’s license.

    Create Product

The basic product configuration has been completed so far.

Step 5: Get license

Each product is assigned a unique PID, which the cloud and mobile app use to identify a device and its features. You can request two free licenses. A single license consists of UUID and AuthKey and can be used to activate one device.

  1. In the third step of Hardware Development, click Get 2 Free Licenses.

    Create Product
  2. In the dialog box that appears, click OK.

  3. Choose License List for delivery mode and click Confirm.

    Create Product
  4. Click Submit Order.

  5. Click View Order List.

  6. Click Download License List.

  7. In the Download Credential dialog box, enter the verification code and click Confirm to Generate and Download.

  8. You will get a spreadsheet that includes the license information.

    For more information about UUID and AuthKey, see Cloud License and Advanced Features.