Smart App SDK

Last Updated on : 2025-03-04 01:36:59download

Smart App SDK includes a variety of features and helps you quickly build a mobile app used to connect to Tuya-enabled devices. The mobile app developed with the App SDK enables users to pair and control smart devices, initiate firmware updates, set scheduled tasks, and create smart scenes.


Name Description Feature overview Changelog API Reference
Smart Life App SDK Empowers mobile apps based on sufficient components and samples to simplify home automation, and enables users to pair and control smart devices, initiate firmware updates, set scheduled tasks, and create smart scenes.
Smart Camera SDK The Smart Camera SDK enables you to integrate with smart camera-specific features, including live streaming, motion detection, footage playback, and device control. This is made possible through technologies such as audio and video codecs, media editing and rendering, two-way video talk, and AI. /
Smart Travel SDK The Smart Travel SDK includes APIs for cycling routes and travel history. / /
Sweeper SDK The Sweeper SDK enables you to integrate with smart sweeper-specific features, including map data transmission, multiple maps management, cleaning history management, and voice packages. /
Smart Lock SDK The Smart Lock SDK enables you to integrate with smart lock-specific features, including dynamic passwords, temporary password management, lock usage records, and user management. For Wi-Fi video lock products, the SDK provides features including video calls, live streaming, and cloud-stored video playback. / /
MiniApp SDK Serves you with a full lifecycle solution that encompasses development, deployment, product experience and analytics, and launching. This SDK lowers the bar for multi-platform development with the minimum R&D cost and enhances the development efficiency and experience. /

The Smart Camera SDK, Smart Travel SDK, Sweeper SDK, and Smart Lock SDK belong to the extension SDK. Based on the Smart Life App SDK, these SDKs encapsulate specified features for the vertical resources and facilitate the development of products in vertical fields.

UI BizBundles

Tuya provides no-code UI BizBundles based on the Smart Life App SDK and other respective SDKs. You can call the required APIs to implement the full functionality of a specific category with a few simple steps. Smart Life App SDK supports the following UI BizBundles.

Name Description Feature overview
Device Control UI BizBundle Provides the service logic and UI encapsulation to load and control device panels and accelerates app development.
IPC UI BizBundle Provides the panel service logic and UI encapsulation for IPCs and accelerates application development.
Mall UI BizBundle Provides the service logic and UI encapsulation for the app mall and accelerates application development.
Device Pairing UI BizBundle Provides the service logic and UI encapsulation to guide pairing and activate smart devices over protocols such as Wi-Fi, Zigbee, Bluetooth, and General Packet Radio Service (GPRS), and accelerates application development.
Lighting Scenario UI BizBundle Provides the capabilities to create, modify, and control lighting scenarios that utilize smart lights in a specific space.
Scene UI BizBundle Provides the service logic and UI encapsulation for smart scenes and accelerates application development.
Cloud Storage UI BizBundle Provides the service logic and UI encapsulation for cloud storage and accelerates application development.
FAQ UI BizBundle Provides the service logic and UI encapsulation for FAQ and feedback and accelerates application development.
Home Management UI BizBundle Provides the logic and UI encapsulation for home services and accelerates application development.
OTA UI BizBundle Provides the service logic and UI encapsulation for OTA firmware updates and accelerates application development.
Devices Details UI BizBundle Provides the service logic and UI encapsulation for device details and accelerates application development.
Maps Service UI BizBundle Provides the service logic and UI encapsulation for map services and accelerates application development.
Voice Skills Account Linking UI BizBundle Enables quick binding between users’ app account and voice skills of Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant.
Group Management UI BizBundle Allows users to create, edit, and control Wi-Fi smart device groups.
Theme Color Configuration BizBundle Aligns theme color schemes of UI BizBundles with the theme style of your app.
Multi-Control Linkage UI BizBundle Enables or disables multi-control linkage.
Sharing UI BizBundle Allows users to share text, images, and other content with third parties by copying, SMS, email, or WeChat.


Tuya provides additional no-code BizBundles based on the Smart Life App SDK. You can call the required APIs to implement the full functionality of a specific category with a few simple steps. The following table lists the BizBundles.

Name Description Feature overview
Panel Multilingual BizBundle Returns and updates the multilingual packages to support the panel functions for a specific PID.
Generic Pairing BizBundle Returns and updates a list of devices that can be paired with your SDK app.