Configure Content Discovery Miniapp

Last Updated on : 2024-06-18 07:25:18download

This topic describes how to configure a content discovery miniapp for your OEM app.

Step 1: Configure miniapp

Method 1: Configure miniapp at bottom navigation bar

To display the content discovery miniapp on the bottom navigation bar, configure a tab icon for the miniapp. Perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the Tuya Developer Platform.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, go to App > OEM App > App Creation.

  3. Find the app to configure, click Configure in the Operation column, and then go to the Customize UI step.

  4. Go to App UI Style > Detailed Settings.

    Configure Content Discovery Miniapp
  5. Select Page > Tab Icon > Add Bottom Tab Icon, and click Add for the Discover option.

    Configure Content Discovery Miniapp
  6. Click Save > Exit in the top right corner of the page.

  7. Rebuild the app to make the settings take effect.

    After you configure the Discover tab, you must save and launch your app before the settings can take effect.

Method 2: Configure miniapp on the Smart tab

You can also configure the miniapp on the Smart tab. For more information, see Configure Smart Miniapps.

Step 2: Build demo backend

  1. Log in to the Tuya Developer Platform.

  2. Go to Build Online Demo and get the URL and account information of the content management backend.

    Configure Content Discovery Miniapp

  3. Use the obtained account information to log in to the content management backend generated by Build Online Demo.

  4. Return to the content management backend, select Content Platform > column-manage, and then select your OEM app to create a column.

    Configure Content Discovery Miniapp

  5. Create content for the column. For example, you can add an article or a video.

    Configure Content Discovery Miniapp