Update App

Last Updated on : 2024-06-24 04:15:36download

This chapter describes how to update your OEM app versions and respective things to note. For example, update the OEM app template on the Tuya Developer Platform and update the app version on an app store. The template update helps you modify and optimize your OEM app without affecting its user experience. After the template is updated, you must launch the latest app version on app stores, such as Apple’s App Store and Google Play, to make the update take effect. Then, users can receive the update from the respective app store and keep up to date with the latest app features and performance.

Tuya provides the update instructions of OEM app templates. These instructions help you apply the updates as needed and know more about how to present the latest features to users. For more information, see Updates for OEM App.


After your OEM app is launched, and you have obtained important feedback from app users, you can update the app version accordingly to achieve the following purposes:

  • Fix issues, optimize features, and add features.
  • Get familiar with the process of updating app templates on the Tuya Developer Platform to meet your changing requirements.
  • Launch the latest app version on app stores, such as Apple’s App Store and Google Play, to keep users up to date with the latest features and optimization.


This chapter contains the following topics: