Hybrid Deployment

Last Updated on : 2024-06-14 18:23:01download

Hybrid deployment allows you to run both microapps developed on your own and those provided by Tuya in your SaaS. This topic describes how to configure your local environment for hybrid deployment and make your custom microapps run as expected.


You can deploy a custom microapp container on Docker. API requests will be routed through the SaaS domain name to the runtime service that you have deployed. Then, based on the types of API requests, they are routed to the backend service configured by yourself or to Tuya’s cloud service.

Hybrid Deployment
  • The microapp services provided by Tuya run in the Tuya’s cloud service. If you require deployment only in a private cloud, submit a ticket to request support from Tuya.
  • We recommend that you deploy multiple microapp container nodes to guarantee high availability.


  • Install the Docker environment. The runtime environment quickly starts up using the Docker-Compose tool. For more information about Docker installation, see the Docker website.
  • Install the microapp development tool Node.js 14 or later.


  1. Download the runtime environment.

    Go to the target directory in local mode. Run the download script and unzip the installation package.

    # If you use curl
    curl -Ljo sdf-deploy-rt.zip https://github.com/tuya-sat/sdf-deploy/archive/refs/tags/rt.zip
    # If you use wget
    wget https://github.com/tuya-sat/sdf-deploy/archive/refs/tags/rt.zip -O sdf-deploy-rt.zip
  2. After the download is completed, unzip the installation package.

    unzip sdf-deploy-rt.zip

    After the package is unzipped, you can see files with the following directory structure:

    # sdf-deploy-rt directory
    ├── LICENSE
    ├── README.md
    ├── docker-compose
    │   ├── README.md
    │   └── docker-compose.yml
    │   └── redis
  3. Edit the .env file and configure the developer App Key and Secret Key of the SaaS application.

    cd sdf-deploy-rt/docker-compose/    # Go to the docker-compose directory
    vi .env                          # Edit the .env file.
    # developer Configuration information
    APP_KEY=Developer App Key
    SECRET_KEY=Developer Secret Key

    The following table describes these parameters.

    Configuration file Parameter Description Value
    .env OPEN_API Domain name of Tuya OpenAPI platform
    • China Data Center: https://openapi.tuyacn.com
    • Western America Data Center: https://openapi.tuyaus.com
    • Eastern America Data Center: https://openapi-ueaz.tuyaus.com
    • Central Europe Data Center: https://openapi.tuyaeu.com
    • Western Europe Data Center: https://openapi-weaz.tuyaeu.com
    • India Data Center: https://openapi.tuyain.com
    .env APP_KEY Developer identity Go to SaaS Development > MicroApp Dev and click View Development Credentials in the top right corner of the microapp list to get the App Key.
    .env SECRET_KEY Developer identity secret Go to SaaS Development > MicroApp Dev and click View Development Credentials in the top right corner of the microapp list to get the Secret Key.
    .env CUSTOM_API_URL Domain name of developer backend service https://your-api-gateway.com
    .env HOST_PORT Port of SaaS domain name Default port: 80
  4. Start the microapp container.

    docker compose up
    # For Docker compose of an early version, run the command docker-compose up

    When mqtt MQTT client status: connect appears, it means the startup is successful.

    [+] Running 2/0
     ⠿ Container sdf-redis Created    0.0s
     ⠿ Container sdf-fgw    Created    0.0s
    Attaching to sdf-fgw, sdf-redis
    sdf-redis | 1:C 08 Jun 2023 11:54:08.807 # oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Redis is starting oO0OoO0OoO0Oo
    sdf-fgw | 2023-06-08T11:58:15.500Z INFO microadmin request https://micro-app-admin.tuyacn.com/v1.0/sdf/developer/mqtt/auth
    sdf-fgw | 2023-06-08T11:58:15.518Z INFO mqtt MQTT client status: end
    sdf-fgw | 2023-06-08T11:58:15.627Z INFO mqtt MQTT client config:     {"clientId":"sdf_developer_key_clientid_52 ******** 3","username":"sdf_developer_key_username_523 ******** d","password":"6***5","wsUrl":"wss://mqtt-im.tuyacn.com:443/mqtt"}
    sdf-fgw | 2023-06-08T11:58:15.809Z INFO mqtt MQTT client status: connect
    sdf-fgw | 2023-06-08T11:58:15.909Z INFO mqtt MQTT client status: connect