
Last Updated on : 2021-09-15 01:32:59download

This topic describes the product pricing of the smart metering service.

Editions of smart metering service

After enabling the smart metering service for a product, you can subscribe to a paid edition. Tuya provides the following editions according to different user needs.

Edition Period Fee (USD) Monthly quota (USD) Reference number of devices
Standard 2 years 600 30 100,000
Premium 2 years 3,000 150 500,000
Flagship 2 years 6,000 300 1 million
Trial 3 months 0 1 50


  • You can subscribe to the trial edition only once for one product, with a validity period of 3 months. It is suggested to subscribe to the trial edition during the debugging stage. Once the monthly quota is used up, you will be charged an additional fee. After paying the fee, you can continue to use the service.
  • After subscription, you can configure multiple free and paid metering curves for the specified product. Only the paid metering curves will be billed. For example, you can select these two ways—one calculates data amount at an interval of one minute, with a storage period of 30 days, and the other calculates the data amount at an interval of five minutes, with a storage period of 90 days.

Billing method

The smart metering service calculates the fee based on your actual resource usage every month. You will not subject to additional fees within the monthly quota. The excess usage will be billed.

Edition Unit price of data processing (USD/million items) Unit price of data storage (USD/million items) Monthly quota (USD)
Standard 0.029 0.019 30
Premium 0.024 0.016 150
Flagship 0.02 0.013 300
Trial 0.03 0.02 1


  • Data processing amount is calculated according to the reported data amount of all devices of the product. For example, each of 10,000 devices reports 100 items of data every day. The daily data processing amount is 10,000 × 100 = 1 million items.
  • Data storage amount is calculated according to the time interval and storage period.
  • For a product with multiple metering curves, the data processing amount is calculated only once.
  • The storage amount is the total storage amount of all the subscribed metering curves.

Billing example

Example 1

You have a temperature sensor with 100,000 activated devices. You have subscribed to the standard edition of the metering service.

Each device reports one item of data every five minutes. If you want to draw a curve on the panel, which presents the average temperature every 15 minutes, and the data storage period is 30 days. The billing method is as follows:

  • Daily data processing amount: The device reports one item of data every five minutes, and 288 items in one day. The daily data processing amount of a total of 100,000 devices is 288 × 100,000 = 28.8 million items.
  • Daily storage amount: The curve presents the data calculated every 15 minutes, with a storage period of 30 days. The storage amount of one device is 96 × 30 = 2880 items. So the total storage amount of all devices is 100,000 × 2880 = 288 million items.
  • Monthly data processing fee: 28.8 million items × 30 days × US$0.029/million items = US$25.06.
  • Monthly data storage fee: 288 million items × 30 days × US$0.019/100 million items/day = US$1.64.

The total fee is US$25.06 + US$1.64 = US$26.7. After the US$30 subscription quota is deducted, no additional fee is billed.

Example 2

You have a temperature sensor with 50,000 activated devices. You have subscribed to the premium edition of the metering service.

Each device reports one item of data every minute. Two curves are requested to be drawn on the panel. One curve presents the maximum temperature every one minute, with a data storage period of 12 months, and the other presents the average temperature every five minutes, with a storage period of 12 months. The billing method is as follows:

  • Daily data processing amount: One device reports one item of data every minute, and 1440 items in one day. The daily data processing amount of a total of 50,000 devices is 1440 × 50,000 = 72 million items.

  • Daily data storage amount:

    • The daily data storage amount of the first curve: The first curve presents one item of data reported every minute, with a storage period of 12 months. The daily data storage amount of a device is 1440 × 365 = 525,600 items. The daily data storage amount of a total of 50,000 devices is 50,000 × 525,600= 26.28 billion items.
    • The daily data storage amount of the second curve: The second curve presents one item of data reported every five minutes, with a storage period of 12 months. The daily data storage amount of a device is 288 × 365 = 105,120 items. The daily data storage amount of a total of 50,000 devices is 50,000 × 105,120= 5.256 billion items.
  • Monthly fee = monthly data processing fee + monthly storage fee of the first curve + monthly storage fee of the second curve:

    • The monthly data processing fee: 72 million items × 30 days ×
      US$0.024/million items = US$51.84.
    • The monthly data storage fee of the first curve: 26,280 million items × 30 days × US$0.016/100 million items/day = US$126.14.
    • The monthly data storage fee of the second curve: 5,256 million items × 30 days × US$0.016/100 million items/day = US$25.23.

The total fee is US$51.84 + US$126.14 + US$25.23 = US$203.21. After the US$150 quota for the premium edition is deducted, an additional fee of USD$53.21 is billed.


Q1: How long is the service period after subscription to a paid edition?
A1: Two years.

Q2: What is the trial edition?
Q2: You can subscribe to the trial edition only once for one PID, with a validity period of three months.

Q3: I want to subscribe to the smart metering service for several products. Shall I subscribe to the service several times?
Yes. Our smart metering service is enabled for one product. If you have several products, then you need to subscribe to the service several times.

Q4: Can I continue to use it after my monthly quota runs out?
A4: Yes. The bill will be issued next month. You can continue to use it after the payment.

Q5: What is the relation between the edition and the number of devices?
A5: No relation. Here are only some examples for your reference. The unit price varies in subscription editions. The unit price for a subscription edition suitable for more devices is lower. If you have a product with one million devices, you can still subscribe to the standard edition, but the monthly fee will often exceed the quota. In this case, the edition suitable for more devices is preferable. You can select the edition according to the number of devices and the data reporting frequency.