Data Profile

Last Updated on : 2024-06-20 06:56:15download


The Data Profile service is designed to improve the data management of your OEM apps. You can leverage the service to break isolated data islands, establish a centralized system that encompasses the tags and profile of people, devices, and their relationship, and empower you to embark on the road of IoT-enabled digital operations.

Target users can be filtered by the recommended segment, custom segment, and Tuya tailored segment. Choose the desired marketing channels to suit a specific segment, including email, app splash screen, and app push messages of Operations Center, to achieve refined and precision marketing. Tuya also provides APIs for you to integrate with your own systems or third-party systems based on your needs.


Term Description
User tag It is a feature tag that is generated after the information about user attributes, behaviors, and business is processed. Its value is highly generalized and mutually independent, and can be exhaustively enumerated. A tag contains a tag name and its value in the data structure.
Segment package It is a collection of multiple users, filtered by the recommended segment, custom segment, and Tuya tailored segment.
Operations center The Operation module on the Tuya Developer Platform.
Segment filtering Filter the segments by the conditions that combine and and or.
Insight into segment Describe the distribution of a segment in various dimensions.
User profile Describe the combined features of a specified user or user group, and provide a multi-dimensional user profile.
For example, the basic information and location of a specific user can be generated.


Data Profile

Product capabilities

  1. Recommended segment: After years of experience in the IoT industry, Tuya has sorted out segment recommendations for you. You can check the segment information and perform operations.

  2. Custom segment: Use tags and user behavior data to accurately and quickly construct the required segment package for analytics or operations.

  3. User insight: Create a global profile of a user or a user group based on tags, gain insight into user features, and identify the uniqueness of a user group.

  4. Data service: Empower other systems to use the data of details, tags, and profiles, such as marketing platforms, operations platforms, and CRM, to explore greater values.


Release and promote new products and features

  • Highly active users can be recruited as seed users to jointly build the products.

  • New products and features can be recommended to the users according to their usage history.

Activate users

  • Analyze the user’s online behaviors and provide the necessary help, such as a pairing guide, to increase product utilization.

  • The marketing content varies depending on the user’s activity level.

Sell mall products and value-added services

  • Gain an insight into the user’s purchase and usage and recommend mall products and value-added services to drive sales revenue.

Integrate with third-party marketing systems and advertising platforms

Filter and locate the target group through custom criteria, export the data, and integrate the data into the third-party marketing systems. Alternatively, the target group can be used as a seed group for advertising.