Recommended Segment

Last Updated on : 2024-06-20 07:00:19download

This topic describes recommended segments that Tuya has sorted out for you after years of experience in the IoT industry. You can check the segment information and perform operations.

Note: You can use recommended segments, but cannot edit them. Every day, the number of users in a segment is updated based on the data of the previous day. You can use the latest data for operations.

Recommended Segment

The headers in the table are described as follows:

Header Description
Segment Name The name of a specific segment.
Description The description of a specific segment.
Number of Users The total number of users of a specific segment. It is updated daily (not real-time) according to the creation rules.
Operation Includes Export and Operations. Click Operations to select the channel to reach your audience, and navigate to the Operations Center to set up marketing plans.


Segment Name Description
All users who have accepted marketing All users of the app who have authorized the platform to send marketing messages
Users who might return the products Users who accept marketing and have a low success rate of pairing or given much feedback on issues in the last 90 days
Newly registered users in 30 days Users who registered in the last 30 days and accept marketing
Registered users without devices Users who registered in the last 30 days and accept marketing but have no devices
Users in silence stage Users who accept marketing and have added one or more devices but have not used the app for more than 7 days and less than 30 days
Users in churn stage Users who accept marketing and have added one or more devices but have not used the app for more than 30 days
Users with gateways Users who accept marketing and have gateways
Users who prefer the in-app mall Users who accept marketing and have browsed products, added products to the cart or favorites, or purchased products in the app mall in the last 30 days
Users who give feedback on issues quite often Users who accept marketing and have given more than 2 pieces of feedback on issues
Very satisfied users Users who accept marketing and have been active and given 0 feedback on issues in the last 30 days