User Label

Last Updated on : 2023-07-20 02:44:37download

This topic lists the categories, names, and descriptions of labels. You can get to know the meaning and usage of each label.

Basic information

Label name
Label code Description
Country/region (in Chinese) country_cn According to the home location, analyze and determine the country or region where a user is located. The name is displayed in Chinese.
Province (in Chinese) province_cn According to the home location, analyze and determine the province where a user is located. The name is displayed in Chinese.
City (in Chinese) city_cn According to the home location, analyze and determine the city where a user is located. The name is displayed in Chinese.
Continent (in Chinese) continent_name_cn According to the home location, analyze and determine the continent where a user is located. The name is displayed in Chinese.
Registration country/region (in Chinese) country_cn_from_area_code The country or region selected by a user during registration. The name is displayed in Chinese.
Country/region (in English) country_en According to the home location, analyze and determine the country or region where a user is located. The name is displayed in English.
Province (in English) province_en According to the home location, analyze and determine the province where a user is located. The name is displayed in English.
City (in English) city_en According to the home location, analyze and determine the city where a user is located. The name is displayed in English.
Continent (in English) continent_name_en According to the home location, analyze and determine the continent where a user is located. The name is displayed in English.
Registration country/region (in English) country_en_from_area_code The country or region selected by a user during registration. The name is displayed in English.
User type user_type Indicate whether the user is registered or not. The enumeration values include guests, registered users, and deleted users.
Platform curr_os The platform used by a user in the last 180 days. The value is Unknown for an inactive user and Others for other platforms.
App version curr_app_ver The app version used by a user in the last 180 days. The value is NA for an inactive user and Others for other versions.
Phone model curr_mobile_model The mobile phone model used by a user in the last 180 days. The value is NA for an inactive user and Others for other phone models. The real model of a mobile phone is used, rather than the marketing name. For example, Huawei Mate 30 is a marketing name and its real model is TAS-AL00.
Have email is_has_email Indicate whether a user has entered an email address.
Have phone number is_has_mobile Indicate whether a user has entered a mobile phone number.
Registration time reg_date The time when a user is registered.
Registration method reg_from The method by which a user is registered.
Accept marketing is_allow_push_mkt_msg Indicate whether a user has accepted marketing.
Language lang The operating system language of a user’s mobile phone.
Days after upgrade to the latest version last_appver_update_2now_days The number of days after a user upgraded the system to the latest version.

User behavior

Label name
Label code Description
Active days in the last 30 days live_d_cnt_last30d The number of active days in the last 30 days.
Last active time live_date_last The last active time in the last 180 days.
Average daily voice control usage in the last 30 days voice_use_avg_daily_cnt_last30d The average daily number of times voice-enabled devices have been used in the last 30 days.
Average daily control panel taps in the last 30 days panel_click_avg_daily_cnt_last30d The average daily number of times the panel has been used to operate the devices in the last 30 days.
Have gateway is_has_gateway Indicate whether a gateway exists in the level-2 category among the devices that are used by or shared with the user.
Have IP camera is_has_ipc Indicate whether an IP camera exists in the level-2 category among the devices that are used by or shared with the user.
Have smart lock is_has_ms Indicate whether a smart lock exists in the level-2 category among the devices that are used by or shared with the user.
Have smart speaker is_has_box Indicate whether a smart speaker exists in the level-2 category among the devices that are used by or shared with the user.
Have control panel is_has_wgzk Indicate whether a control panel exists in the level-2 category among the devices that are used by or shared with a user.
Number of bound devices bind_device_cnt The number of devices that have been paired by a user. Devices shared with the user are excluded.
Pairing success rate in the last 30 days cfgnet_succ_level_last30d The percentage of successful pairing operations in the total pairing operations in the last 30 days. The values include high, medium, and low. If no pairing operations are performed in the last 30 days, a user is labeled as unpaired.
Subscribe to value-added services is_paid Indicate whether a user has subscribed to value-added services.
Total number of placed orders order_cnt_total The total number of orders placed for all value-added services.
Total amount of placed orders amount_origin_cny_total The total amount of orders placed for all value-added services.
Total number of completed orders paid_order_cnt_total The total number of completed orders for all value-added services.
Total amount of completed orders amount_paid_cny_total The total amount of completed orders for all value-added services.
Expiration time of cloud storage ipc_service_end_date Indicate the time when the cloud storage service expires.
Purchase cloud storage for videos is_ipc_paid Indicate whether a user has purchased cloud storage for videos.
Renew cloud storage is_has_ipc_subscribe Indicate whether a user has renewed the cloud storage service.
Linked voice skill curr_bind_voice_skills The list of voice skills linked with a user account.
Number of feedback records on issues feeback_issue_cnt The total number of feedback records on issues submitted by a user.
Percentage of positive reviews feeback_good_rate The percentage of positive reviews in the total reviews.
Percentage of resolved issues feeback_solve_rate The percentage of resolved issues in the total issues.
Issues today feeback_issue_today Indicate whether a user has submitted feedback records on issues on the current day.
Have ongoing issues is_has_issue_no_solve Indicate whether a user has feedback records to be processed.
Number of visits to the Energy Saving MiniApp in the last 30 days energy_small_program_visit_cnt_lst30d The number of times a user opens the Energy Saving MiniApp in the last 30 days.
Number of visit days to the Energy Saving MiniApp in the last 30 days energy_small_program_visit_days_lst30d The number of days the user opens the Energy Saving MiniApp in the last 30 days.
Average daily electricity consumption in the last 30 days (kW·h) avg_daily_power_consumption_lst30d The average daily electricity consumption of the devices in a user’s home in the last 30 days.
Average daily electricity consumption in the last 7 days (kW·h) avg_daily_power_consumption_lst7d The average daily electricity consumption of the devices in a user’s home in the last 7 days.
Enter electricity rates electrovalence_type Enumeration values: time-of-use rate, standard rate, and not filled.

Mall behavior

Label name
Label code Description
Enter a delivery address is_app_fill_address Indicate whether a user has entered a delivery address in the in-app mall.
Time of the last visit to the mall visit_mall_date_last The time of the last visit to the in-app mall in the last 180 days.
Activity of the in-app mall mall_liveness Calculate four behaviors in the in-app mall in the last 30 days, including browsing, taps on items, adding to favorites, and adding to cart. The weight of each metric is 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% respectively.
Number of visit days in the last 30 days mall_visit_days_last30d Count the number of days a user has visited items in the in-app mall in the last 30 days.
Receive a coupon in the last 180 days is_get_coupon_last180d Indicate whether a user has received a coupon in the last 180 days.
Receive a coupon is_get_coupon Indicate whether a user has received a coupon up to now.
Number of unused coupons unused_coupon_cnt The number of unused coupons.
Number of items in the cart current_commodity_cnt The number of items that are displayed in the cart.
Have unpaid orders is_app_unpaid_order Indicate whether a user has unpaid orders.
Number of items ordered in the last 180 days app_created_quantity_cnt_last180d Count the total number of items ordered by a user in the last 180 days.
Amount of items ordered in the last 180 days app_created_amount_trade_cny_last180d Count the total transaction amount of items ordered by a user in the last 180 days.
Number of items transacted in the last 180 days app_complete_quantity_cnt_last180d Count the total number of items paid by a user in the last 180 days.
Amount of items transacted in the last 180 days app_complete_amount_paid_cny_last180d Count the total transaction amount of items paid by a user in the last 180 days.
Completion time of the last order last_order_finished_time The time when the last order is completed. The value is NA if no order is completed.
Whether a user of the in-app mall is_tuyamall_user A user who has visited the in-app mall in the last 180 days is considered a user of the in-app mall.

User value

Label name
Label code Description
Lifecycle user_phase Indicate which lifecycle a user is in based on the user’s activity and linked devices. The enumeration values include the novice stage, the growth stage, the silence stage, and the churn stage (the same as the Data Dashboard service).
User distribution user_level According to the number of devices owned by a user, the enumeration values include elementary, intermediate, and advanced (the same as the Data Dashboard service).
AI – churn risk score churn_risk_score A user’s churn risk extent calculated by the AI algorithm based on the user’s behaviors and attributes.
AI – churn risk level churn_risk_grade A user’s churn risk level calculated by the AI algorithm based on the user’s behaviors and attributes.
Number of owned IP cameras own_ipc_dev_cnt The number of IP cameras currently owned by a user (Except for devices that are shared and support the activation of video cloud storage ).
Number of IP cameras with subscribed services purchase_cloud_storage_ipc_dev_cnt The number of IP cameras currently owned by a user (Except for devices that are shared and support the activation of video cloud storage ) and for which the user has subscribed to cloud storage services (including trial editions).
Number of IP cameras with free trial services free_cloud_storage_ipc_dev_cnt The number of IP cameras currently owned by a user (Except for devices that are shared and support the activation of video cloud storage ) and for which the user has subscribed to the trial edition of cloud storage services.
Number of IP cameras without subscribed services no_cloud_storage_ipc_dev_cnt The number of IP cameras currently owned by a user (Except for devices that are shared and support the activation of video cloud storage ) and for which the user has not subscribed to the cloud storage services.
Currently valid cloud storage plan curr_valid_cloud_storage_arr The product name in a user’s cloud storage order that is still valid currently. If multiple valid orders exist, multiple label values are generated.
Number of active IP cameras in the last 30 days live_ipc_dev_cnt_last30d The number of IP cameras currently owned by a user (Except for devices that are shared and support the activation of video cloud storage ) that have reported logs in the last 30 days.
Last activation date of IP cameras ipc_dev_last_active_date_new The date when a user has last activated an IP camera.
Number of visits to control panels of IP cameras in the last 30 days ipc_dev_panel_visit_cnt_last30d The number of times a user tapped the device card on the homepage to open the IP camera control panel in the last 30 days.
Subscribe to paid energy-saving services is_has_effective_pay_energy_save Indicate whether a user currently has a valid energy-saving value-added service (excluding the trial edition).
Subscribe to trial energy-saving services is_has_effective_free_energy_save Indicate whether the user currently has a valid free trial edition of the energy-saving service.
Expiration time of the trial energy-saving service free_energy_save_expire_date Indicate the time when a user’s trial edition of the energy-saving service expires.
Expiration time of the paid energy-saving service pay_energy_save_expire_date Indicate the time when a user’s paid edition of the energy-saving service expires, excluding the trial edition.
Valid energy-saving service effective_energy_save_service_arr The product name of a user’s energy-saving service that is still valid currently. If multiple valid services exist, be multiple values are generated.
Expiration time of subscription to the cloud storage service sub_ipc_service_end_date Expiration time of subscription to the cloud storage service.
Time of the last cancellation of subscription to the cloud storage service last_cancel_cloud_storge_sub_date The last time when a user unsubscribed from the cloud storage service.
Number of IP cameras that have not used SD cards in the last 7 days no_use_sd_ipc_dev_cnt_7d The number of IP cameras that have not used SD cards in the last 7 days.
Cloud storage service subscription that is not canceled is_has_no_cancel_cs_sub Indicate whether a user has unsubscribed from the cloud storage service and has not renewed the subscription.
Average daily motion detections of IP cameras in the last 7 days avg_report_touch_check_ipc_dev_cnt_7d Count the average daily motion detections of IP cameras that is bound with a user account in the last 7 days.
Type of a cloud storage service plan ipc_service_package_type The type of a cloud storage service plan that a user has subscribed to.

Have products

Label name
Label code Description
Level-1 category (in Chinese) curr_bind_dev_categorys_1 The name of the level-1 product category owned by a user. The name is displayed in Chinese.
Level-2 category (in Chinese) curr_bind_dev_categorys_2 The name of the level-2 product category owned by a user. The name is displayed in Chinese.
Level-1 category (in English) curr_bind_dev_categorys_1_en The name of the level-1 product category owned by a user. The name is displayed in English.
Level-2 category (in English) curr_bind_dev_categorys_2_en The name of the level-2 product category owned by a user. The name is displayed in English.
Product curr_bind_dev_pids The product ID (PID) of a product owned by a user.
Number of level-1 categories curr_bind_dev_category_1_cnt The number of level-1 product categories owned by a user.
Number of level-2 categories curr_bind_dev_category_2_cnt The number of level-2 product categories owned by a user.
Number of products curr_bind_dev_pid_cnt The number of products owned by a user.
Number of metering devices metering_device_cnt The number of electricity metering devices owned by a user.
Number of devices labeled energy-saving energy_save_device_cnt The number of devices owned by a user and whose PID is labeled energy-saving.